EF Personnel Issues Committee – 2016-10-13
Supervisory Feedback – See Pharmacy Strategic Plan and 270º Reviews, Ben was going to follow up with Gina
- 40 objective 6.3
Ben talked with Gina – She suggested the online tool from ULEAD, 360º review is available, but at a cost.
Send link, https://pharmacy.unc.edu/about/ospa/strategic-plan/
https://pharmacy.unc.edu/files/2015/03/16-011-strategic-plan_2012-2017.pdf Reach out to HR.
Phil is looking at the website where this is posted with names associated with strategic planning and assessment.
Keep pushing OHR to provide guidance on Supervisory Institutional Goals.
UNC Wellness Update – Meeting this week, Discussion with Gillings experts, Workforce Development doesn’t “fit”
Bryan and Katie keep moving forward.
Ben suggests that the EF website could gather information about resources around campus. Housekeeping has had a grad student come to zones to train crew leaders. EF has a staff resources link which is somewhat empty.
Talk with Kelli about getting this updated.
Continuing Education – Advanced Degree Pursuit roadblocks, Start discussion with Workforce Development
Bryan will setup a meeting with Mark Haapala and invite EF Personnel Committee.
Phil wants to know what’s available for test prep support from Learning Center. LC did offer heavily discounted test prep and eval.
Really want to update the OHR website with all kinds of information for staff wanting to be degree seeking students. Can only use one waiver during the summer even though there are two sessions.
Compensation & Benefits – Career Banding Rates – Request update from OSHR – Seek clarity on how often this process should be revisited and how often market rates should be changed.
Legislative Action – Phil hasn’t heard anything about replacement for the University legislative liaison. Voter registration deadline coming up tomorrow. Voter registration push. Maybe we push for improved mid-term elections.
Staff Relations, Policies, & Practices – Jim from Energy Services brought a concern regarding staff voucher from state for safety shoes. New policy saying if you buy shoes within 3 months of separating then the University would seek to recoup cost. Doesn’t apply to Energy Services, but does apply to Facility Services. Written into Facility Services uniform policy. Ben will follow up.
Open enrollment through Connect Carolina to State Health plan is awkward and problematic.
Bryan C. Andregg
IT Security & Systems Manager
Instructional & Information Systems
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health