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University of North Carolina

Employee Forum

Personnel Issues Committee


Committee Chair: James Holman


Report Prepared by: Y. S. Dunlap


Last Meeting Date:

October 29, 2013

Delegates in Attendance: Christina Rodriquez; Kenneth Davis; Yvonne Dunlap;  James Holman; Jim Fuller, David Fraley; Arlene Medder, Amanda Chang; Karen Jenkins Cheek


Guest:  Victoria Dowd


Next Meeting Date:   November 26, 2013, 134 E. Franklin Street, Room 207

Time:  11:30 a.m.


Review of Minutes from 9-24-2013

Committee recommendations for minor modifications to the minutes from September 24, 2013, were suggested, reviewed and the minutes were amended as necessary.

Key Points

Updates and Comments from the chair of the Personnel Issues Committee included:

  • An item recommended for review and resolution was tabled due to time constraints of the Chair.  The item will move to the November meeting agenda.
  • A letter was received from Steven Hutton and copied to Charles Streeter; and then routed to the Personnel Issues Committee.  This issue was discussed during the Vice Chancellor meeting and a future invitation may be extended to the letter writer from the forum chair for clarification and understanding of the letter content.


Our chair apologized for an error involving an article to the Daily Tar Heel, in which his title associated with the Personnel Issues Committee was picked up from a return e-mail message by the journalist and used to identify him as the writer of an article criticizing the university for employees having to give up parking spaces at appointed times for football parking.  This issue has been cleared through Public Safety and with our Forum Chair, Charles Streeter.  On October 23, 2013, an additional article was written to clear up questions on the recent complaint.


Victoria Dowd – The University Ombuds Office

Ms. Virginia Dowd, University Program Specialist, Ombuds Office was an invited guest who spoke with us regarding the function of the office.  Organized in 2005 by a “Taskforce for a better workplace”, all members of the staff are certified mediators.  In addition to Ms. Dowd are Wayne Blair, and Ms. Laurie Mesibov. Employees, students, community services and other organizations can receive services through this office. The University Ombuds Office operates on the principles of confidentiality, impartiality, informality and independence, and report directly to the Office of the University Chancellor.  All discussions are confidential and no records are kept.  The exceptions are the situations that include danger and/or abuse. All discussions are tailored to Visitors who have specific situations are given an opportunity to speak and have someone listen; discuss concerns and receive help in clarifying their issues, great or small.  They also help to identify options and resources for resolution; identify trends; conflict management in addition to ways to avoid conflict.   The presentation was enlightening and resourceful.    There are also things that this office will not do to include:

  • Offer legal advice
  • Testify in any judicial or administrative proceedings or grievances
  • Serve as advocates
  • Put the University on notice of claims


Ms. Dowd left us with printed information, cards and an invitation to visit the office.


Legislative Issues – Fraley

David Fraley has suggested that we become informed of the new guidance regarding guns on campus.   This new guidance, which became effective October 1, 2013, allows guns in some cases on the campus.  As we continue our learning processes, David believes that some questions require response so that we are clear about the issue of guns on the University campus. Karen Jenkins Cheek will extend an invitation to a representative of Public Safety to address the issue in detail.  Some questions the Personnel Issues Committee is concerned about include:

  • What are the pros and cons to this policy?
  • Who on the campus can carry guns?
  • Does this guidance include other types of weapons?
  • Where are guns allowed on the campus?
  • How is the guidance being communicated throughout the University campus?


Staff Relations – Dunlap

It has been requested by a member of the forum that a conversation be held on titles associated with the housekeeping staff, i.e., Housekeeping vs. Building Environmental Services Technician and a possible consideration of removal of the term, “housekeeper”.  NC 16785 ISO 4/05 was provided and includes a full description of the work, examples of competencies and minimum training and experience.  To become more fully informed on this request for consideration to review, we will study the issue and when fully informed, and with all in agreement, engage in conversation with the appropriate University Office.


A request was received from an employee regarding manager evaluations. It was requested during a prior meeting, and the agenda during the next Vice Chancellor meeting will include the topic of evaluations and/or administrative review of direct line supervisors and managers.


Carolina Campus Community Garden – Medder

The CCCG has requested help from the forum committee on helping with long range plans for this project.  It has been requested that the forum help with who and how to expand the community garden and who should be served.  We will attempt to receive suggestions during the next forum meeting.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:05 pm


Minutes captured by:  Yvonne Dunlap


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