UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Forum
Hitchcock Multipurpose Room, Sonja H. Stone Center
NOTE: This is a draft agenda and is subject to change without advance notice.
I. Call to Order—Chair Charles Streeter (9:15 a.m. – 9:20 a.m.)
- Welcome to Guests & Members of the Press
II. Special Presentations (9:20 a.m. – 9:55 a.m.)
- Rachel Gogal on the LiveSafe Application
- Michelle Gretch-Carter, Manager, UNC Student Stores
- Fran Dykstra on Two-Step Authentication
III. Human Resources Update – Vice Chancellor for Workforce Strategy, Equity, and Engagement Felicia Washington (10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.)
IV. Old Business (10:35 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.)
- Approval of September Minutes (SharePoint Link, Delegate-Only Access)
V. New Business (10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.)
VI. Forum Committees (11:00 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.)
- Communications and Public Relations: Kelli Raker
- Community Service: Katie Musgrove
- Carolina Blood Drive: Jim Fuller
- Carolina Community Garden Advisory:
- Education and Career Development: Katie Cartwell/LaToya Taylor
- Carolina Family Scholarship: Jacquelyn Copeland
- Membership & Assignments: Kathy James
- Personnel Issues: Bryan Andregg
- Compensation & Benefits: Christine Greenberg
- Legislative Action: Phil Edwards
- Staff Relations, Policies & Practices: Ben Triplett
- Recognition & Awards: Natiaya Neal
- UNC System Staff Assembly: Kathy Ramsey/James Holman/Charles Streeter/Kewana Smith
- Executive Committee: Charles Streeter
VII. Announcements/Questions (11:20 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)
VIII. Adjournment
October 5, 2016 Employee Forum minutes
Attending (those who signed in): Bryan Andregg, Sharon Brinson, Bonita Brown, Tiffany Carver, Jackie Copeland, Clare Counihan, Phillip Edwards, Jim Fuller, Lori Haight, Shayna Hill, James Holman, Kathy James, Mary King, Susan Lucas, Jeanna Mccullers, Katie Musgrove, Natiaya Neal, Deborah Norton, Michael Penny, Krista Prince, Kelli Raker, Kathy Ramsey, Ricky Roach, David Rogers, Greg Smith, Charles Streeter, Ben Triplett, John Williams
Excused Absences: Mary Dahlsten, Christine Greenberg, Shannon Harvey, Karen Jenkins, Susan Lucas, Deborah Norton, Jackie Overton
Chair Charles Streeter called the meeting to order at 9:16 a.m. He noted that University Day will take place October 11th. He asked delegates and employees to come out, process, and observe the festivities. He also noted that President Margaret Spellings will be installed in a smaller ceremony at Memorial Hall on October 13th. There will be an Employee Appreciation event at the October 14th UNC football game. Ricky Roach reported that he had done a radio interview for the Food for All Food Drive. The Chair offered to send out this information to the Forum listserv.
The Chair introduced Chancellor’s Fellow Rachel Gogal to speak on the new LiveSafe application. She said that the University’s decision to move to the LiveSafe application had emerged from working group meetings in the fall of 2015. She noted that many different institutions use this application to foster a safe learning environment. She said that the application contains many categories that provide information on local transit options, electronic companions for lone travelers, and text notifications for those without the application, among other items. Emergency options of course include 911 as well as campus police and a GPS locator. Resources include information on safe.unc.edu, equal opportunity compliance, Campus Health, and other local resources. The application will be compatible with Alert Carolina, which is commonly used by out-of-state parents, community members, and visitors.
Gogal said that the application has had 750 downloads, a number that she hoped to double soon. iPhone and Android versions are available. The version is also portable to other participating campuses. Clare Counihan asked if there was any discussion of implicit bias when functions were chosen. Gogal said that there has not been a conversation on this subject but feedback is welcomed. Phillip Edwards confirmed that the old safety application is being phased out because of low use. Tiffany Carver asked if Gogal has consulted with the Greek community. Gogal said that there have been contacts made. Jim Fuller asked if the application will have a “panic button.” Gogal said that developers are working on this feature and hope to have something ready in a few months.
Michelle Gretch-Carter, a manager with the new Student Stores, noted the recent changes which have involved the institution. She said that there are still opportunities for students to obtain employment with Student Stores. She added that course materials are available which have saved students $13 million since the prior transition. Student Stores is seeking to integrate with the University community by learning where, when, and how to serve. Gretch-Carter emphasized that Student Stores will not be traditional retailers, but instead will work with the needs of constituents. She invited employees to offer feedback or stop by with comments. She also noted that Student Stores will expand the Bulls Head Bookshop.
Sharon Brinson asked if the faculty/staff authors’ section will continue under the new management. Gretch-Carter said that the section will continue. She said that Barnes & Noble College will try to use more North Carolina vendors, but will need to follow up on individual vendors such as Lance Crackers, based in Charlotte. Tiffany Carver asked if employees will still have the option to pay for computers via payroll deduction. Gretch-Carter said that this option will remain. Michael Penny asked about renovation. Gretch-Carter said that Student Stores will remain open as renovations continue. Bonita Brown confirmed that Student Stores will continue to take UNC OneCards for purchase. Jim Fuller noted the 25% off Bulls Head and UNC merchandise sale during the Employee Appreciation Fair on October 21. Gretch-Carter distributed game day t-shirts to Forum delegates.
Fran Dykstra, Associate Vice Chancellor for Enterprise Applications, spoke on Information Technology Services’ two-step authentication roll-out for the University. She said that ITS aims to roll out the new process to approximately 1,000 community members a day. The main deadline target is to insure safe access to W-2s in January. Dykstra said that the University received approximately 80,000,000 cyberattacks each week. She said that phishing attempts can be countered by two-step verification which uses onyen and password along with separate verification via phone, tablet, or computer. She said that users may have experienced this process when signing on to their bank or credit card websites. She said that the roll-out will include articles in the University Gazette, InTouch, and publicity through “how-to” videos on InTouch.
Dykstra said that employees can use Duo Mobile to aid their two-step verification process. She hoped that this step will protect University data and direct deposit information by requiring two-step verification. Michael Penny asked if there will be a longer time-out for those making multiple entries into University systems. Dykstra said that there will be a longer time-out set. Felicia Washington asked if any part of the system is functional now. Dykstra said that the system was live as of yesterday. She said that notifications will take place over the next couple of weeks as units and departments are notified. Bryan Andregg asked if new employees will learn about the process in new employee orientation. Senior Director for Human Resources Communications & Training Kathy Bryant said that this addition to orientation is in the works.
The Chair welcomed Vice Chancellor for Workplace Strategy, Equity and Engagement Felicia Washington to present the Forum’s customary Human resources update. She noted that Human Resources officials will present a range of updates that morning. She hoped that Forum members would participate in the various Carolina Conversations occurring around campus this fall. She noted that the Chancellor had received a letter from President Spellings marking the tenth anniversary of the UNC System Staff Assembly, thanking all who served and asking support from delegate supervisors. She thanked delegates for their service. She also noted that October is Hispanic Heritage month, among other celebrations.
Benefits Manager Shauna Stackhouse spoke on annual enrollment in the State Health Plan, noting that it would conclude Tuesday, October 31st. She said that employees will receive campus communications about enrollment. Additionally, employees can walk into the Administrative Office Building on Airport Drive to receive enrollment assistance through October. Finally, employees can receive help enrolling at Employee Appreciation Day on October 21st. Employees can also obtain flu shots and receive bookstore discounts during that event. Stackhouse invited employees to contribute to the charity of their choice through the Carolina Cares/Carolina Shares program. She noted that UNC raised $810,000 of the $3.75 million raised by the State in 2015. Twenty-one percent of UNC employees donated in 2015. She said that the program raised $40,000 from campus donors on the first day of the drive this year. Stackhouse said that enrollment will take place via paper and on-line means through December 2nd.
Kathy Bryant said that Workplace Strategy, Equity and Engagement had led a group from Human Resources, Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, and the Equal Opportunity Office to devise the University closed day during this year’s winter break. Bryant said that the University had announced a year ago that it would be closed between Christmas and New Year’s. The majority of these days are holidays but employees will have to take leave for Thursday, December 29th. She said that the University will save hundreds of thousands of dollars in energy costs for being closed that day. Bryant said that this policy will be communicated once again through the University Gazette, the UNC website, and other means such as social media. Ben Triplett asked if staff working that day will receive holiday pay for December 29th since the University must be closed that day. Bryant said that since this closure is required under State policy, employees will not receive holiday pay for work on that date.
Clare Counihan asked about new employees who may not have accrued enough leave to use on that date. Bryant said that given the current communications, employees will have the opportunity to earn some leave for this purpose. December is the University’s lowest hiring month. Shayna Hill asked if employees holding a negative leave balance would not roll over their debt to the next year. Bryant said that the University will increase flexibility for employees but will take leave to try to not have this carryover. Bonita Brown confirmed that the University will be closed December 26-December 30, with December 29th a University closed day. The University moved Veterans’ Day to the New Year’s Day holiday on January 2nd, 2017. Thus, the University will be closed for most employees Saturday, December 24th, 2016 to Monday, January 2nd, 2017. Bryan Andregg asked if employees will have the option to use community service leave (CSL) during the December 29th closure date. Bryant said that employees can use accrued compensatory time, bonus leave, or vacation leave for this purpose. She said that employees cannot use CSL for this purpose.
Bryant added that UNC General Administration will e-mail a strategic planning survey to all employees that afternoon. She encouraged employees to participate in this 5-10 minute survey.
Senior Director of Classification and Compensation Adam Beck noted that the 1.5% salary increase for SHRA and EHRA employees has already been implemented. He said that all permanent employees on the payroll as of September 1st, 2016 will receive a .5% bonus based on pro-rated salary on October 14th (SHRA) or October 31st (EHRA). Employees will receive merit bonuses equaling $750 for “Outstanding” ratings or $450 for “Very Good” or “Good” ratings in October 28th paychecks. SHRA employees receiving the merit bonuses must have been hired by January 1st, 2016 and must not have disciplinary actions as of October 1st, 2016. These bonuses are based on pro-rated full-time equivalent salary levels.
EHRA employees’ departments will receive a pool of 1% of State salaries for meritorious performance, but in no case will an EHRA employee receive in excess of 2% of State salary. Beck said that EHRA employees must have six months continuous employment as of October 1st and must not be on final notice. Jackie Copeland confirmed that employees must be still employed at the time of their merit pay increase. Shayna Hill asked what would occur if an employee has not received their performance evaluation. Beck said that all performance ratings have been submitted excepting some agency transfers. Employees on Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or other leave will receive their merit increases once they return to work. Ricky Roach confirmed that an employee on short-term disability will receive their merit increase once they return to campus. David Rogers asked if departments can elect not to grant merit based increases to any number of EHRA employees.
Natiaya Neal asked what increase retirees will receive. Beck said that retirees will receive a one-time 1.6% bonus. Shayna Hill noted a general philosophy among some supervisors not to give “Outstanding” ratings to their employees. She asked how to educate supervisors who are close-minded about this process. . Hill granted that a level of subjectivity exists when assigning rankings. However, if a supervisor has a closed mind when entering a process, that person may need help to overcome that barrier. She noted that 50% of a performance review is based on subjective criteria. Beck suggested this is a topic for the Employee-Management Relations group of the Office of Human Resources.
David Rogers said that there appears to be no option to grieve a performance rating. Felicia Washington did not know of any rating process that allows for grieving employee ratings. Bryan Andregg suggested that the University publish a report of divisions or units that have not issued “Outstanding” ratings to their employees to address this question. Washington said that she could not say that there was something wrong if a supervisor does not award “Outstanding” ratings. Shayna Hill said that this practice is very demoralizing. Ricky Roach had been told that his supervisor does not provide “Outstanding” ratings, and the Chair and others had heard similar things about their own supervisors. Roach said that meant for the majority of these employees there is no way to earn the $750 merit option. Ben Triplett said that the new performance scale will contain a three-point scale, making it harder for a supervisor to justify not recognizing work that exceeds expectations. Kathy Bryant said that General Administration enters performance ratings and takes the subjectivity away from supervisors. Hill said that this philosophy works for goals but the University’s institutional values are not reflected. She said that a culture change is necessary. Bryan Andregg said that the Personnel Issues committee will provide feedback on this question to Employee Management Relations. Triplett said that worksheet organizational values are available on the General Administration website.
Kelli Raker reported rumblings about the time gap for employees receiving bonuses. She said that some employees have no idea when or even if they are receiving bonuses. Kathy Bryant said that there is the matter of communicating the four different paydays to employees.
Senior Director for Employment and Staffing Noreen Montgomery noted that the University will hold the Tar Heel Tribute Veterans’ Appreciation Event on Thursday, November 10th.
The Chair asked for a motion to approve the September meeting minutes. As there was none, he said that the Forum would consider the minutes at the next meeting. He asked delegates to be sure to read the minutes each month.
Jim Fuller noted that the Carolina Blood Drive is finalizing work for the Tuesday, December 13th winter blood drive, to take place in Fetzer Gymnasium. The Chair offered to solicit stories for publicity for the event.
The Chair said that the Carolina Campus Community Garden committee had not met.
Kelli Raker reported that the Communications and Public Relations committee had ten people at the September book club. The next book club will take place October 27th. InTouch will have a deadline for submissions October 26th. Interested parties may submit to intouch@unc.edu. Raker reported that the Forum’s social media class had fourteen participants. Lori Haight said that work-study student Ashley Molesworth has volunteered to help with the Forum’s Scavenger Hunt. She said that the committee will need help hiding vouchers for the Hunt and tweeting clues. Prizes for the Hunt will be kept in the Forum Office.
Katie Musgrove said that the Community Service committee will hold its kick-off event for the Food for All food drive prior to the October 8th UNC football game. The drive will go on until October 21st. Musgrove noted that Harris Teeter will not participate in the football game due to Publix’ prior sponsorship of UNC football. She said that Harris Teeter will be involved with the Late Nite with Roy festivities, at which students and employees can also make donations. The Chair thanked Tim Grant of ITS for help in printing posters for the drive.
Clare Counihan said that the Education and Career Development committee is in process of planning the higher education mini-conference, possibly shifting the date from April to after graduation. She thanked Katie Cartmell and Latoya Taylor for their work on InTouch “Career Corner” articles.
Jackie Copeland said that the Carolina Family Scholarship committee sought to create a thank-you video with scholarship recipients for the December Forum meeting.
Bryan Andregg said that the Personnel Issues committee had not met recently but planned to meet with representatives of UNC Campus Recreation regarding establishing wellness as a benefit for staff employees.
Phillip Edwards reported that voter registration will take place through October 14th. He noted that on-line registration forms must be mailed in.
It was noted that the Membership & Assignments committee has organized volunteers to sit at the table for Employee Appreciation Day October 21st.
The Recognition & Awards committee did not met in September.
The Chair noted that UNC System Staff Assembly delegates will attend the Western Carolina meeting from October 16-18th in Cullowhee.
The Chair invited delegates to procure silver magnets to reinforce the Forum pins.
Ricky Roach noted employee discontent with the increase in the workplace probationary period from 90 days to one year. He said that one employee had received word about hiring within 48 hours at a private job. The Chair said that the one-year period was always on the books and was changed in recent legislation to a two year period before new employees could obtain career status by the Legislature. He said that the University had allowed its units to establish various probationary periods prior to this legislation. Following discontent with the two-year probationary period, a legislative compromise brought the probationary period back to one-year required service. Felicia Washington reiterated that the current probationary period is one year.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:24 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary