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February 11, 2016 Vice Chancellor Representatives’ Meeting

Attending:  Vicki Bradley, Linc Butler, Gena Carter, Matt Fajack, Lori Haight, Karen Jenkins, Arlene Medder, Noreen Montgomery, Jackie Overton, Charles Streeter, Carol Tresolini, Ben Triplett, Felicia Washington, Anna Wu

Felicia Washington called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and welcomed new Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Linc Butler.  She led the room in a round of introductions.  She noted that the formal RFP process for Student Stores will close that day at 5 p.m.  She noted that the Chancellor had approved a list of people to serve on the advisory committee to consider these bids.  She said that representatives from Student Government, Faculty Council, and the Employee Forum, among others, have been charged to provide the pros and cons of each alternative.

Ben Triplett asked for an update on changes related to Shared Services.  He noted a survey of customer satisfaction studies the timing of meetings during the work day.  Matt Fajack said that he would ask Jennifer Weiss to do a meeting on this question at lunchtime.  He said that Finance & Administration is working to find what is needed to support its functions.  He said that once statistical data is available, his office should be able to put something together on this question for this summer.

Charles Streeter noted a question about formal training on race, gender, and sexual discrimination issues.  He noted that at Duke University, all community members attend a training on white privilege.  He encouraged the University to look closely at similar efforts.  Felicia Washington said that mandatory training exists for Title IX issues.  She noted that these other questions would be added to the hopper for consideration.  Streeter asked if the University could conduct a Carolina Conversation on these questions just for staff.

Jackie Overton recalled the idea to hold a community meeting on micro-aggressions and white privilege.  Washington asked if it should be a goal to educate all staff about these issues.  Streeter responded that this discussion would need set guidelines.  Carol Tresolini suggested working with Renee Alexander, the Center for Faculty Excellence, and the Carolina Women’s Center on this idea.  Lori Haight asked about having facilitators for this discussion.  Washington proposed that delegates return to the next meeting with ideas about what they want to accomplish in this area.

Charles Streeter asked about publication of the Training & Development catalogue.  Felicia Washington proposed to ask Kathy Bryan answer these questions at the next meeting.  Gena Carter said that these courses are available through ConnectCarolina.  Linc Butler summed up that delegates were concerned about print access and about Human Resources representatives sharing this information.  Ben Triplett said that printing formal notices for bulletin boards is not done typically in Housekeeping unless employees express a specific interest.  Anna Wu said that Facilities Services would study how to distribute these materials better.

Charles Streeter noted an employee’s concern about getting snow cleared in the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention parking lot off campus.  Anna Wu said that the University observes an order for clearing the campus.  She said that the University needs a broader dissemination of the ice and snow plan.  Facilities Services will clear primary walkways on campus first.  Felicia Washington said that this dissemination would level expectations among employees.

Jackie Overton asked about the language of the new adverse weather policy.  She noted that Condition 2 requires employees to go home, or establishes that employees who are home may not come into campus.  Felicia Washington said that only mandatory folks come to campus under Condition 2.  Gena Carter said that employees refusing to leave under Condition 2 may be subject to disciplinary action.  Karen Jenkins noted employee concerns about using vacation hours for time lost under Condition 2.  Washington said that the University has communicated employee concerns to General Administration.  She raised the possibility that if employees try to advocate their position to the Office of State Human Resources, the policy may become more stringent.

Linc Butler said that the potential for a stricter adverse weather policy does indeed exist.  There is the possibility that the authority designated the Chancellors to make decisions could be centralized to General Administration or the Office of State Human Resources.  Carol Tresolini asked the purpose of changing the State level policy.  Butler said that the previous policy was convoluted and needed revision to eliminate ambiguity.

Felicia Washington noted concerns that UNC System campuses were too liberal in closing for Condition 3.  Now, the policy specifies instability of buildings or downed power lines as examples of conditions under which a campus may close.  Charles Streeter observed that the Chapel Hill campus had never closed until the 2000s, excepting after Hurricane Fran.

Anna Wu asked if mandatory employees cannot get to campus, is there qualifying language in the policy related to this question.  Gena Carter said that there is not qualifying language.  Felicia Washington did not remember the mandatory designations off-hand.  Linc Butler said that the mandatory lists need updating.  Jackie Overton noted that when Public Safety was split, the list of mandatory employees was not updated.

Ben Triplett noted that a number of people under Condition 2 wondered about expectations for getting to work given worries about personal safety.  He asked about ways to communicate this expectation.  Linc Butler said that if employees do not come in during Condition 2 weather, there is the possibility of insubordination charges.  Carol Tresolini noted the amount of grumbling among employees resentful for the use of their vacation leave.  She felt a measure of sympathy for these employees.  Charles Streeter said that if the State pays people to stay at home, it will lack money to provide raises to employees.  Ben Triplett asked about links to the State policy from the UNC policy.  Linc Butler noted the vital nature of pre-planning for adverse weather events, especially for mandatory employees.

Arlene Medder reported concerns about transit to campus during adverse weather.  Anna Wu said that bus stops are not the first priority during snow clean up.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 10:52 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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