Community Service Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
11:30 AM – 12:30PM
Hitchcock Multipurpose Room, Sonja H. Stone Center
I. Welcome/Introductions [[11:30-11:35]]
-Solicitation of Secretary for Meetings
-Arlene has agreed to serve in this capacity
II. Community Service Leave Promotion Campaign Update [[11:35-11:40]]
-Rescheduled meeting with OHR to begin promotional campaign in the 2017-2018 academic year for September 25, 2017 from 3:30-4:30
-Current Attendees: Katie Musgrove, Kim Allen, Dori Brady,
OHR Representatives
-Any other attendees? Possibly Arlene; Jim Potts
-CCCG Promotional Video- Alyssa LaFaro searching for J-School Student to shoot this and other shots to include as a part of the CSL Promotional Campaign
III. Breakout Groups- Planning our Future Events for 2017-2018 [[11:45-12:20]]
–Food Drive Collaboration with Million Meals Campaign
-Introduced Banks Shepherd with Tar Heel Sports Properties
-Food drive events will be held at:
-Military Appreciation/ Employee Appreciation Football Game – UNC vs. Western Carolina, November 18th
-Tar Heel Town Contact: Neal Franzer (
– Booth/table In Tar Heel Town (in quad) will have some giveaways from Athletics
-Available for volunteer @ event: Jim Potts, anyone else?
-Employee Appreciation Day (October 20, 2017)
– Rich offered 2 Western Carolina tickets; sign up for drawing when donating food at Employee Appreciation
-Volunteers for table at Employee Appreciation already taken care of
-Future Events
-Employee Appreciation Basketball Games in the spring
-Military Appreciation Basketball Game in the spring
-Other future events can be planned at future meetings
-All donations to contribute to the Million Meals Campaign (which we contributed to last year with our 2 week campus wide food drive)
-Supports people in this part of NC (donations go to Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC)
-Carolina Cupboard Donation? (Percentage of donations at each event)
-Supports UNC students
-Total amount all counted for Million Meals (both to Cupboard & FBCENC)
-Last year 10% Carolina Cupboard, This year 25%
-Bins throughout campus:
-Dory: asked about boxes around campus; alas logistics was difficult so we won’t do the same scale as last year;
-Dory suggested competitive giving between buildings, like what Business School did
-Dory suggests year round bins, permanent, develop list of potential locations of particular significance from last year’s drive
-This can be done in small batches with area lead to contact food bank when bins are full
-Will discuss locations and bin liaisons for these campus bins at October meeting
-Volunteers for Project Leads- Jim Potts, Allison Rorie, Linda Glasco, Katie Musgrove
-Graphic Design Options for Football vs. Other Events –
-Katie will work with Banks Shepherd with Tar Heel Sports Properties to develop these
– New flyer with all of event drives, online donation info, and if we do campus locations
-Flyers: 1 for Food Drive in general and 1 specifically for Football events (that removes reference to Million Meals due to sponsorship conflicts)
-Website/Hashtag Creation –
-Hashtag: #UNCFoodForAll
[Fliers/ website will be available prior to October meeting]
-Box Preparation, Pickup & Storage –
-Banks & Tar Heel Sports Properties will provide the bins prior to each event (except for Employee Appreciation, which we will need to bring)
-Storing donations after events for pickup on a weekday—
-Bonita Brown with Carolina Union will inquire about temporary storage of donations after each event until pickup by FBCENC on a weekday
-Arlene: With permanent installations, need to talk to facilities to discuss safety, etc.
-Banks says he might get his staff to move items via personal cars on Sunday if necessary
-Publicizing Methods:
-InTouch, Staff Listservs, OHR Employee Appreciation Day Communications, Twitter, Facebook, Carolina Athletics Communications & Social Media, etc.
-Need to be creative: Publix vs Harris Teeter sponsorship
-Will further discuss pub methods at October meeting
-Poster creation for donation booth
-Katie will liaise with Forum assistant to create this once graphic design is available
-Alternative donation methods:
-Banks: technology to ease logistics; donations via technology instead of physical goods
-Asked Shayna: it’s tricky, fundraising is not approved, but work with Fajack’s Campus Enterprises, competition to create an app to do something
-Banks: There is an app by Harris teeter to donate directly to NC Food Bank, we can publicize that
-Shayna: We can share that info, that’s not considered fundraising
-Dory: Can VIC cards be linked to Food Bank or Carolina cupboard, like elementary schools are?
-Banks will look into it.
– Habitat for Humanity Collaborations
-Thein Oo’s home was awarded at a ceremony on September 16, 2017
-Volunteers for Project Leads- Heather Lewis, Ashley Jacobs,
-Not present, but event is planned for spring so we’ll table this for now
-Scheduling another build day (next spring?)
-Home sponsorship for another deserving UNC Staff Member in 2018-2019?
-~$80,000 fundraising necessary to sponsor whole cost
-Could be sponsored by multiple UNC groups?
–Toy Drive for UNC Children’s Hospital
-UNC Children’s hospital reached out to us last year to possibly host a toy drive prior to the holiday season
-Volunteers for Project Leads- Michele Fulton, Steve Bodeen, Allison Rorie, Hope Woodhouse
-Project Leads will meet on October 4 at 10:30 AM before our wider meeting to discuss this project including:
-Publicizing, Collecting and handing off to liaison (Children’s Hospital);
-Bonita asked if there’ a list of specific toys
-List provided by UNC Children’s representative after meeting
-Event drives? Bins?
-Pet food/pet toy drive too?
-Other Ideas
-UNC Staff Volunteers at Dance Marathon (Spring)
-Volunteers for Project Leads: Linda Glasco
-Special Olympics of Orange County Publicizing/Support Throughout the Year
-Volunteers for Project Leads: Jim Potts
-Jim will send draft of volunteer solicitation to publicize via InTouch; pictures, words, links
Update on other business [[12:20-12:25]]
–Blood Drive Update- Ricky Roach
-Date for next blood drive/ Strategies for this committee’s involvement
-Dec 12th in Fetzer, tentative June 5th in Dean Dome
-WCHL is a sponsor
-Red Cross looking for spotlight story, send story ideas to Katie or Ricky
–CCCG Update- Arlene Medder
-Arlene- Go ahead and plan for an Earth Day workday sponsored by the Forum; Arlene will work on that
-CCCG Promotional Video- Alyssa LaFaro looking for J-School volunteer to shoot this and other shots to include as a part of the CSL Promotional Campaign
Questions/Final Comments [[12:25-12:30]]
-Next meeting is Oct 4th, usual time