September 16, 2014 Executive Committee minutes
Attending (those who signed in): Gena Carter, Yvonne Dunlap, Andy Eaker, Oscar Fleming, James Fuller, Michael Highland, Karen Jenkins, Matt McKirahan, Arlene Medder, Kirk Montgomery, Charles Streeter, Ben Triplett
Chair Charles Streeter called the meeting to order at 11:50 a.m. Members discussed a draft letter to the Chancellor regarding the night parking program. The Chair asked for feedback in order to send the letter to the Chancellor’s Office that week.
The Chair noted that Public Safety will soon split into two divisions, Public Safety falling under the new Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Safety & Risk Management and Parking falling under Business Administration. He noted the recent increase in criminal activity on and near campus, and the recent increase in Alert Carolina notices. He asked that the Forum invite the new Associate Vice Chancellor to a future Forum meeting. Gena Carter asked if this new had been formally announced, and the Chair said that it had not been announced yet.
Matt Banks presented the Forum’s monthly budget report. The Chair noted that he had ordered notepads for the upcoming Employee Appreciation Fair. Ben Triplett said that he had approached decision-makers about obtaining a discount for the Forum for its monthly table moves. He noted that the condolence bouquet for Peggy Cotton had been disallowed by campus accountants, meaning that the Forum will need to take up a collection to pay this cost. Banks said that he would confer with Forum Treasurer Tammy Cox regarding a $4484 shortfall in the Forum’s overhead account due to the need to fund the Chair’s departmental stipend from that account.
The Chair asked for nominations for the various vacancies facing the Forum. Kirk Montgomery volunteered to become the University’s alternate on the UNC System Staff Assembly. Karen Jenkins agreed to accept a nomination to become Forum Secretary. There were no nominations for the vacant Recognition & Awards committee chair. It was noted that the Forum would need to confirm these nominations in its October meeting.
The Chair distributed his letter to the Chancellor regarding the Forum’s Staff Development fund request. He noted that the Forum had requested funds for InTouch publication, professional development grants, programming, Forum pin production, the Forum peer recognition banquet, and book club meals, among other items. He noted that Katie Turner had discussed possibly making InTouch an all-digital newsletter.
The Chair led the committee in a discussion of Forum goals and objectives. He said that the proposed September retreat of the group would now be pushed back to January 13 or 27, 2015. The group would plan for the final six months of the 2014-15 term.
The Chair asked delegates to consider nominating alumni for the Distinguished Alumni Award to be presented on University Day.
The Chair asked Forum committee chairs to submit contributions for the Forum’s outcomes assessment. It was noted that the Forum had produced annual reports in the past at the direction of the Office of the President. The Chair said that he would confirm with administrators about the timeframe of the assessment. He was honored to have been approached for this task, which is due in mid-October.
The Chair returned to the discussion of Forum goals and objectives, eventually arriving at these conclusions:
Staff Goals
- Upward mobility, equity, adequate compensation
- Empowering people (outcome)
- Visibility & collaborative efforts
- Collaborative efforts
Goal: Adequate compensation—seek out and advocate for staff
- X # of resolutions asking for increase in pay %
- X # of Provost/VC meetings discuss pay increases
- Create an annual report highlighting cost of living increases and other costs which affect employees
- Highlight employees and struggles they face dealing with pay & economy
Goal: Increase staff feedback, input, and engagement
- X of surveys in X areas
- Invite divisions to our monthly meetings post/send agenda
- Increase non-delegate attendance by X%
- Increase social media following by X%
- Live streaming of our monthly meetings in Wilson Library
- Increase (Twitter) impressions
- Increase # of people participating in Employee Forum collaborative efforts such as Carolina Blood Drive and Community Garden
Goal: Collaborative Efforts with Administration, Other Organizations, Faculty
- Increase participation with UNC Staff Assembly golf tournament # of teams, donations: @ least 5 donors
- Work with Athletics to recognize staff at sporting events (Employee Forum ad at half-time)
- Increase and make more consistent delegate attendance at Provost/VC meetings (remind delegates at monthly meeting)
- Pass issues onto SEANC that Employee Forum cannot pursue
- Cultivate a more active relationship with the Staff Assembly; propose resolutions for Assembly to adopt
- HR Staff development collaboration
- Diversity and Multicultural Affairs work with activities. Survey on diversity (training & culture).
Goal: Equity
- Present staff feedback and concerns to Administration
The committee agreed to continue its discussion on equity at the next meeting. The Chair said that he would send out a divisional listserv message with information on Forum goals.
The Chair asked Matt Banks to send out a request for Forum blood drive committee members to attend the September 30 meeting that Banks must miss due to training needs.
Arlene Medder said that the Carolina Campus Community Garden had won final approval for its toolshed. Marathon Petroleum plans to ask volunteers from the company to work at the Garden as part of a team building project. The Chair said that the Forum had won a $1,000 grant for the Garden as part of its Staff Development fund request.
The Communications and Public Relations committee will likely publish another InTouch newsletter in the fall.
Andy Eaker reported that the Education and Career Development committee was working with Human Resources to finish the professional development grant application. He said that it was unlikely that the committee will have these forms completed before the PeopleSoft implementation. The committee has discussed holding a staff career fair for departments. The Chair thought that a staff social could be very successful. Others suggested terming the event a Best Practices Fair. Eaker also hoped to increase recognition of staff mentors on campus.
Yvonne Dunlap said that the Personnel Issues committee had worked to educate itself at the last meeting with Human Resources Classification & Compensation Senior Director Jessica Moore. The committee has heard that Director of State Relations Jennifer Willis will not be available to meet with the committee until October.
Michael Highland said that the Recognition & Awards committee needs more and more detailed responses for its Community Award. He noted that the winner of the Award this year is Glynis Cowell of the Spanish Language Program. The Chair said that the Forum needs to consider how to submit nominations for the UNC System Staff Assembly’s Erskine Bowles award. The Forum could nominate the Community Award winner or someone else. Highland hoped that the committee could find other ways to recognize staff. He noted that the committee still needs a chair for this year.
The Chair noted that the Membership & Assignments committee is working on plans for the Employee Appreciation Day booth on October 17. The committee will seek out volunteers to work the table with Matt Banks that day. The committee discussed the possibility of using last year’s survey at the event. Matt McKirahan said that the Carolina Center for Public Service has asked staff members to post photos to Twitter and Facebook noting their area of service.
Matt Banks said that he was working with the Chair to plan the staff processional at University Day October 12.
The Chair said that the UNC System Staff Assembly will meet October 13 and 14. He would make a presentation to the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees September 24. Yvonne Dunlap suggested that the Chair mention research cuts in his remarks to the Board.
Andy Eaker suggested that the Forum investigate possible collaboration with the NC Fellows Leadership program to develop ways to recognize staff and particularly staff mentors. The Chair asked Eaker to write up a proposal for consideration by the committee.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary