September 20, 2016 Executive Committee minutes
Attending (those who signed in): Bryan Andregg, Bonita Brown, Phillip Edwards, James Fuller, Lori Haight, Shayna Hill, Katie Musgrove, Deborah Norton, Kelli Raker, Kathy Ramsey, Ricky Roach, Greg Smith, Kewana Smith, Charles Streeter, Ben Triplett
Excused: Christine Greenberg, Kathy James
Chair Charles Streeter called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. He asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the August meeting. Katie Musgrove made this motion, seconded by Shayna Hill. The motion was approved by acclamation.
The Chair welcomed Fran Dykstra to speak on the new two-step authentication process for University logins. She said that two-step verification is helpful to prevent phishing attacks that seek to access the variety of private information on University servers. She said that users will now need to supply an onyen, a password, and a code provided from one’s phone, table, or computer. She said that the system will not roll out until early October with articles in the University Gazette, and Forum InTouch among other approaches. She hoped to present on this issue at the Forum’s October meeting.
Information Technology Services hopes to start registration in the next week, notifying perhaps 2,000 users a day by school or department. Dykstra hoped that employees would work to teach other the new system. Users with questions can access Dykstra noted that the main deadline facing her department is the provision of W-2 tax forms in January. Phil Edwards asked what would occur if the user loses their device. Dykstra said that users can set up more than one device to receive pass codes.
Dykstra asked if the committee had any suggestions or foresaw any pitfalls with the two-step authentication rollout. Shayna Hill noted that phishers have moved to more sophisticated attacks, asking users to register their new devices. Dykstra said that the University will never send e-mails asking users to register their devices. Kelli Raker asked when new employees would receive information about the new sign-in process via orientation. Dykstra said that Kathy Bryant of Workforce Strategy, Equity and Engagement would likely manage this implementation. Ben Triplett said that the two-step verification process may be difficult for some employees. He confirmed that users can specify a landline for their registered device.
The Chair asked Shayna Hill and Matt Banks to present the Forum monthly budget report. Banks had produced a proposed budget for consideration by the committee for the Forum’s overhead account and Staff Development fund spending. Kelli Raker asked about a specific line item for honoraria for instructors of social media courses. The Chair raised a question as to how many communications specialists are enrolling in the Forum’s social media courses as opposed to regular employees. He did not want to fund development that should be funded by these higher-paid employees’ departments. He asked that the Forum Assistant look at the database of enrollees.
Bryan Andregg noted the amount budgeted for notary public training courses. The Chair said that these courses have been very popular. He said that these proposed budgets were still tentative and subject to restructure and adjustment. Phillip Edwards moved to accept the proposed budgets, seconded by Greg Smith. Shayna Hill suggested that the Forum work with Human Resources Accounting to create a specific code in ConnectCarolina for Forum expenditures which she or someone else could access in InfoPorte. The Chair said that he would discuss this point with Associate Vice Chancellor Linc Butler. The committee voted to approve the motion.
The Chair said that he had been asked to supply materials from the Forum for the University’s Outcomes and Assessments report. He asked committee members to discuss expected outcomes for the Forum this year. He said that the Forum will need to produce an annual report. He asked for assistance with activities regarding the University’s five-year transit plan, the University’s new budget model, and twenty-fifth anniversary celebrations for the Forum. He noted advances in communication that the Forum has achieved during his term as Chair, among them direct communications between delegates and members of their divisions. He wanted delegates to control the distribution of these communications. The Chair said that distribution of employees into different electoral divisions will require some readjustment. He noted that Divisions 7 and 8 have been particularly troublesome as employees move back and forth between them in different years.
The Chair noted a general sentiment in favor community service. He asked how the Forum could assess this goal. Katie Musgrove suggested tallying the number of community service leave (CSL) hours that staff use. She also thought that looking into how many staff participate in service projects is another measure. She had sought a total of CSL hours from Human Resources but had never received this data. The Chair raised the question as to how the Forum should request this data, by e-mail or through a formal letter. James Fuller recalled a Human Resources presentation on CSL hours that said that direct supervisors control the approval of community service hours, meaning different employees must have different approval requirements. Musgrove suggested that the University create a form to send to supervisors to standardize approval.
Victoria Hammett asked how the Forum website keeps track of visitors. The Chair said that he can use Google Analytics and Twitter measures of visitors and other information. He commented that web sites have become rather passe given the new emphasis on social media such as Twitter and Facebook. Kelli Raker noted that the Forum can keep track of employees who access the InTouch newsletter, even to the point of determining which pages are popular with readers. She said that the Forum has a 26% read rate among subscribed employees. The Chair thought that the Forum could increase its visibility through communications about its awards and other material. Raker suggested that the Forum try to obtain employee feedback about the new University budget model. Shayna Hill noted that the School of Dentistry’s Deah Service day will take place September 27th. She said that she would try to obtain information about faculty and staff participation in this event. Katie Musgrove said that the Forum can emphasize these opportunities through the work of the Community Service committee.
Ricky Roach asked if the Forum wanted to hold a public forum day to answer employee questions. The Chair noted that the Forum has a contact form on its website, but said that it could highlight this form more prominently. Katie Musgrove asked if the Forum wanted to obtain feedback from faculty and staff as had been mentioned prior to the July retreat. She asked if the survey is a Qualtrics form. The Chair said that the Forum uses Gravity forms at present. Victoria Hammett asked if the Forum wanted to poll employees by division. The Chair said that he could change the Gravity form. He said that most people do not remember their particular division. Shayna Hill suggested sending out the divisional e-mail on a quarterly basis. The Chair said that was an option but delegates should carry out this idea for themselves.
Ricky Roach recalled his earlier concern about employees working four ten-hour shifts being allotted only eight hours vacation leave. The Chair said that Roach would do well to raise this question in a full Forum meeting. He said that delegates can contact Forum Assistant Matt Banks to ask that items go on the agenda.
Shayna Hill noted questions about flexible scheduling, Public Safety, and parking. Roach reiterated his concern about employees working four ten-hour shifts. Bryan Andregg said that he lacked clarity abut which level of government handles this policy. He said that if the Legislature has set law on this policy, there is little the Forum can directly do to alleviate the situation. Jim Fuller said that those working from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. typically receive only five hours of holiday paid time off (PTO). Hill said that if PTO is hour for hour, the employee only works five hours in the holiday. Fuller said that these employees feel they should get a full day of PTO since their shift crosses over into a holiday.
Lori Haight suggested setting a goal related to the 25th anniversary celebration. Ben Triplett suggested increasing the event’s overall public profile. Kathy Ramsey asked the Forum’s budget outcome for the celebration. Bryan Andregg said that increasing the number of participants in the Carolina Campus Community Garden or the blood drive should be relatively easy to obtain. Katie Musgrove suggested that the Forum work to set its strategy for the next 25 years. The Chair said that the Forum could quantify and increase participation in these events. Kewana Smith suggested that the Forum attempt to increase food donations for the food drive by 10% over the prior year.
The Chair asked for suggestions to fund the 25th anniversary celebration. He noted that the Forum needs to find ways to increase its funding base in general. It was suggested that the Forum write the Chancellor to ask for financial support for the event. Shayna Hill asked if the Carolina Family Scholarship had been added as an option in Carolina Counts annual giving. She would ask Gena Carter if this was possible.
The Chair noted that the Forum needs to revamp its professional development grant program. He said that the Forum has run the program for two years, awarding around $8,000 each year. He clarified that this program is not meant for academic courses but for other opportunities that cannot rely on tuition waivers. He recalled that the original work on the program had not wanted to create a long process for applying employees. He noted that the details of the grant program have been signed off on by Human Resources’ business office.
The professional grant program was initially meant as a first-come, first-served program. Now, as the program has become more popular, the Forum now has more applications than money available to serve. Katie Musgrove suggested that the Forum create a list of possible grant program opportunities. Kelli Raker said that this list would be very extensive and difficult to keep up to date. Ricky Roach asked if all areas of campus have used the grant program. Matt Banks recalled that the grants have included participation in AutoCAD and horticulture opportunities. The Chair hoped that more employees would apply. He also thought that the program should be implemented by the Education and Career Development chair. Victoria Hammett recalled that an employee in her unit won a grant but needed more money than the $500 offered.
Greg Smith noted that in the program criteria, individual employees could be awarded $500/grant but no more than $2,000 a year. The Chair said that this criteria needs restructuring. He recalled that the Chancellor had thought that these grants should offer both small and large amounts. Kathy Ramsey raised the question of whether probationary employees should be eligible for these grants.
The Chair wanted that the professional grant program supplement the J.B. Royster professional grant scholarship offered by the UNC System Staff Assembly. The Royster scholarship involves a more complicated application process than the UNC-Chapel Hill grant program. Kewana Smith asked how many grants went to pay for attendance at professional conferences. The Chair said that the grants have covered some, but not all of the costs due to the $500 limitation. Kathy Ramsey confirmed that employees must confirm that no funds are available from their departments before applying. The Chair said that departments should pay for as much of their employees’ professional grant opportunities as possible. He said that the Forum’s grant program should not be released until after the Royster program has opened for applications. He proposed that the Forum open its program in November, under the auspices of the Education and Career Development committee. Kelli Raker said that she would put this information on the website once the process has been updated.
Jim Fuller said that the next Carolina Blood Drive will take place on December 13, 2016. The committee will meet Friday, September 20th at 8:30 a.m. in the Health Sciences Library.
The Chair asked that the Carolina Campus Community Garden committee report be skipped.
Kelli Raker noted that the InTouch and the University Gazette had nice articles on the Carolina Family Scholarship program. Lori Haight said that the scavenger hunt will take place October 21st. She noted that the Forum’s work-study student, Ashley Molesworth, has offered to help with this process. Haight noted a question regarding whether gift cards are taxable. Haight said that she would work to find people to hide the scavenger hunt gift vouchers the night before. The Chair suggested that Matt Banks bring the vouchers to the October 5th meeting.
Katie Musgrove reported that the Community Service committee has set bin locations around campus for the Food for All food drive. She will work to craft the all-campus e-mail notifying employees about the drive. Additionally, she would ask for the Forum’s help to print fliers and posters for the drive. Musgrove noted that Ricky Roach had given an interview about the drive on September 30th. Musgrove said that the committee had decided to divide checks written to the drive between the Food Bank and the Carolina Cupboard. The Chair asked that the Forum look into creating a Community Service account. He said that the Forum could not handle distribution of these funds presently.
It was noted that the Education and Career Development committee did not have a report.
Kathy James was absent due to family concerns and thus could not present the Membership & Assignments committee report.
Phillip Edwards said that the Personnel Issues committee had discussed ways to handle hot and humid buildings for second- and third-shift housekeeping staff. The committee also discussed updating a campus map of gender neutral bathrooms and performance management questions. It was noted that the performance management trainings were very popular to the point of being completely subscribed. Kathy Ramsey said that some Human Resources departmental officials had not informed their employees about these trainings.
There was no report from the Recognition & Awards committee.
Ben Triplett asked about the diversity survey data, noting that a third party owns this data. Phillip Edwards said that the Forum could ask Kathy Bryant for this information.
The Chair noted that the UNC System Staff Assembly will meet October 17th and 18th at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee.
The Chair noted that Rachel Gogal is scheduled to speak on the LiveSafe application at the October 5th Forum meeting.
The Chair noted that the UNC System Staff Assembly meeting will conflict with the October 18th Executive Committee meeting. The committee agreed to move the meeting to October 25th.
The Chair said that University Day will take place on October 11th and the President’s Installation on October 13th. He did not know whether the latter event would be open to the public.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary