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Employee Forum Agenda

September 7, 2011

9:15 a.m. —-Meeting: Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library

I. Call to Order

II. Welcome Guests & Members of the Press

III. Special Presentations

  • Terri Houston, Interim Director for Diversity & Multicultural Affairs
  • Joshua Boone & Chris Meinecke on Carolina Cares/Carolina Shares

IV. Human Resources Update—Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone

V. Approval of August Minutes

VI. Old Business

VII. New Business

VIII. Forum Committee Reports

  • Carolina Community Garden Advisory: Sarah Poteete
  • Communications and Public Relations: Jerry Waller
  • Compensation & Benefits: Dan Barmmer
  • Education and Career Development: Rick Bradley
  • Legislative Action: Ellen Donna Brooks
  • Membership & Assignments: Myra Quick
  • Recognition & Awards: Chris Meinecke
  • Staff Relations, Policies & Practices: James Holman (August minutes)
  • UNC System Staff Assembly:  Danny Nguyen/Jonathan Stephenson
  • Executive Committee: Jackie Overton (May, July minutes)

IX. Announcements/Questions

X. Adjournment


September 7, 2011 Employee Forum Minutes

Attending: Kittie Allen, Teri Augustine, Dan Barmmer, Joshua Boone, Jennie Brooks, Gene Burns, Peggy Cotton, Jill Crowder, Odessa Davis, David Fraley, Sharon Glover, John Gullo, James Holman, George James, Denise Mabe, Chris Meinecke, Jessica O’Hara, Jackie Overton, Myra Quick, David Schwartz, Renee Sherman, Charles Sockell, Charles Streeter, Marc ter Horst, Jerry Waller

Chair Jackie Overton called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. She presented Interim Director for Multicultural Affairs Teri Houston to make a special presentation. Houston noted Carolina’s history as the University of the People and its connection to the people who support and love the University. She said that Multicultural Affairs has worked to establish a critical mass of minorities on campus, while noting that the only quota the University enforces is that 82% of all undergraduates admitted must be from the State of North Carolina. She noted that African-Americans, Native-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Asian-Americans, as well as students from rural counties, first-generation students, students from low economic status are typically underrepresented at UNC-Chapel Hill. She said that her office represents a commitment to these underserved populations. Her office works to make sure that the University is better trained and equipped to do the work of diversity. She said that her office works to deal with issues that are not necessarily comfortable for the campus community. She said that the University must assess how it does evaluation and assessment in its research endeavors. Houston praised the onset of home training for students learning to make their way in professional life. She recalled the national search for a Director for Multicultural Studies. David Schwartz reported that a new Latina faculty member had asked about mentoring resources at the University for new faculty. Houston said that this project should be pursued through deans. She advised Schwartz to have this faculty member contact the Carolina Latino Collaborative.

Chris Meinecke and Josh Boone described the new Carolina Cares/Carolina Shares initiative, noting that the Statewide campaign raised $800,000 last year for charities in North Carolina. He played a video created by the UNC-Chapel Hill campaign. The campaign will last from September 13 to Thanksgiving. Meinecke noted that payroll deduction for the campaign must be at least $2.50 biweekly or $5.00 monthly. He directed members through the Carolina Cares/Carolina Shares donation website.

Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Brenda Malone thanked Meinecke and Boone for their work on Carolina Cares/Carolina Shares. She noted the difficulties that staff face this year and thanked the Forum for its support of various charitable initiatives such as Habitat for Humanity and the community garden. She said that Human Resources plans to spearhead a “Work Well, Live Well” drive for employees as a way to revive interest in wellness programs available at the University. She said that this program will kick off September 27 and will culminate with Employee Appreciation Day October 21. Malone outlined revisions to the University’s new employee orientation program to make the experience more user-friendly. She said that Human Resources plans to issue an employee handbook with an online backup in the near future. Human Resources also plans to initiate off-boarding surveys of employees departing the University to find out exactly why they are leaving. In response to a question from Peggy Cotton, Malone said that these surveys will be administered by departments, not central Human Resources. Malone noted that the PRM survey of the Housekeeping Department was close to completion, with a goal of finishing the final report at the end of September. Jill Crowder said that her office had received service awards for the entire year in one large package from Human Resources. Malone said that she was pleased that the awards had been delivered given that Human Resources has faced in light of recent budget cuts that have affected administration of this program. She asked Crowder to give updates on possible errors in the University’s database for these service awards.

Senior Director of Communications and Training Kathy Bryant said that Human Resources had worked hard to finish its design of a mandatory supervisory development program for first-line supervisors. She said that this training will require three additional elements in each supervisor’s service review: Foundation of Supervision, Policies and Practices, and Ethics and Accountability. All supervisors will receive a year to complete these new courses, and those supervisors who have already taken these classes will receive credit. Human Resources will roll out these three new classes in October. Bryant said that the next goal after training approximately 1500 first-level supervisors is to expand training to the managerial level. Gene Burns hoped that the performance management process will receive some attention. Bryant said that the bulk of the afternoon training for supervisors is performance management related. Classes will begin with Facilities Services and possibly Information Technology.

The Chair noted that the UNC football team had a game this weekend. She had tickets and schedules to distribute. She called for a motion to approve the August minutes. Myra Quick made this motion, seconded by Marc ter Horst. The motion was approved by acclamation.

There was no old business or new business. The Chair noted that the University Priorities and Budget committee had allocated $25,000 for the community garden. The Communications and Public Relations committee had created an online link for InTouch newsletter submissions. Dan Barmmer said that the Compensation and Benefits committee had discussed issues with the Legislative Action committee, including surveying employees on pay equity issues. Gene Burns noted that Rick Bradley had resigned from the Forum. Burns would take over chairing the Education and Career Development committee. David Schwartz said that the committee was responsible for the Staff Development fund. He hoped that delegates could provide suggestions as to what to do with this fund. Burns said that the committee had a number of items and would explore these options at its meeting in September. The Chair noted that Human Resources and Information Technology Services had worked on a Request for Proposals (RFP) for online training of staff. Sharon Glover said that ITS was ready to launch an IT academy of online classes in another initiative. Myra Quick said that the Membership and Assignments committee had not yet met but would soon work on ideas for the March 7, 2012 Forum 20 th anniversary event. The Chair said that she had asked South Building to sponsor the event. The Recognition & Awards committee had not met but planned to meet in November to gear up for the new peer recognition awards session in the spring. Denise Mabe said that the Staff Relations, Policies, and Practices committee had worked to update the Forum handbook and to create a resolution regarding retention of counseling letters by supervisors. The committee also suggested that the Forum hold a reception in December for delegates and others.

The Chair noted that the Staff Assembly had reported last month on its work. She would attend President Tom Ross’ inauguration at NC A&T University October 6. Ross will also make remarks at UNC-Chapel Hill’s University Day October 12. The Chair noted that the University had completed its Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration search, selecting Karol Gray of SUNY-Stony Brook. She said that Gray had been invited to speak with the Forum at its December meeting. The Chair said that the Forum will sponsor two sessions on parliamentary procedure in October and November. She urged delegates to contact the Forum Office to indicate if they are interested in attending. Other employees will have the chance to sign up after Forum delegates.

The Chair asked listeners to take a second to remember the events of September 11, 2001. She said that everything had changed since that day. She said that she had attended the first football game of the season in support of Chancellor Thorp and the University. Finally, the Chair thanked delegates for their support of the Forum.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned by acclamation at 10:56 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Matt Banks, Recording Secretary


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