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Agenda — March 5, 2003

9:30 a.m.—-Meeting Wilson Library, Pleasant Family Assembly Room

I.          Call to Order

II.         Welcome Guests & Members of the Press

III.            Special Presentation

· Assistant Director Shelley Golden of the Carolina Women’s Center

IV.       Employee Presentations or Questions

V.        Human Resources Update

· Laurie Charest, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources

VI.       Approval of Minutes of the February 5, 2003 meeting P

VII.      Old Business

VIII.     New Business

· Resolution 03-01, On Adverse Weather when the Governor Declares the Roads Closed (1st Reading)

XI.        Forum Committee Reports

· Career Development: Stephanie Lombardo

· Communications:

Þ    Forum Newsletter

· Employee Presentations:  Joanne Kucharski

· Nominating: Katherine Graves

Þ    Forum Elections

· Orientation:  Meredith Clason

· Personnel Issues:

· Recognition and Awards:  Katherine Graves/Shirley Hart

· University Committee Assignments:  Mike Hawkins

X.         Special Presentation (To Take Place at Approximately 11 a.m.)

· Remarks and Announcement from Chancellor James Moeser Honoring 50-Year Employee William “Bus” Hubbard

· Resolution 03-02, Honoring the University Grounds Department & Mr. Hubbard (1st Reading)

XI.        Stretch Time & Lobby Reception   6

XII.       Chair’s Report (Executive Committee):  Tommy Griffin

XIII.      Task Force/University Committee Reports

· Advisory Committee on Transportation— Tommy Griffin

· Builldings & Grounds Committee—Linwood Futrelle

XIV.     Announcements/Questions

XV.      Adjournment

P = Included in Agenda Packet



March 5, 2003

Wilson Library Assembly Room


Delagates Present

Tom Arnel

Debra Banks

Dixie Bloom

Katherine Caudell-Graves

Meredith Clason

Gary Cocker

Karen Copeland

Cynthia Cowan

Shanna Fleenor

Amy Gorely

Tommy Griffin

Shirley Hart

Fred Jordan

Chris Koltz

Joanne Kucharski

C.L. Lassiter

Lynn McPherson

Corrie Mimms

Syed Mustafa

Carol Payne

Gail Plaisance

Lynn Ray

Cynthia Reardon

Tom Rhyne

Mack Rich

Debra Skinner

Mary Ann Vacheron

Ruth Williams

Delita Wright

Laurie Charest

 ‘ = Ex-Officio

Delagates Absent

Roy Caudle

Ray Doyle

Mary Johnson

Cheryl Lytle

Lauren Mangili

Norma Roberts

Excused Absences

Alternates Present

Linda Allred

Mike McQuown


Eric Ferreri

Linwood Futrelle

Shelley Golden

Mary Hubbard

William Hubbard

James Moeser

Kirk Pelland

Scott Ragland

Many other UNC Grounds Employees


            Chair Tommy Griffin called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.  He asked attendees to move to the front of the room.  He welcomed Eric Ferreri, Scott Ragland, Laurie Charest and the reporter from the Daily Tar Heel.  He invited Delagates and guests to stay around for the reception that would close the meeting.

The Chair introduced Shelley Golden, assistant director of the Carolina Women’s Center.  He also thanked the Women’s Center and its director Diane Kjervik for graciously allowing the Forum to share office space in 134 East Franklin Street.

Golden wished the Forum well and noted that Kjervik was in Raleigh that morning.  She noted that she was the Center’s first only full-time permanent staff member.  Golden noted that the Center was founded in 1997 and obtained campus housing for its offices a year and a half ago on Airport Road.  She noted that faculty and staff serve in ex-officio spots on the Center’s board, and she thanked the staff members who have served over the years.  She particularly thanked Kathy Dutton and Joanne Kucharski for their service on the Center’s board.

Golden said that the Center works in four particular areas to meet needs of women on campus.  The first of these is leadership skills, part of that developing mentorship arrangements for those in need.  Secondly, the Center addresses campus safety, especially sexual assault and any kind of assault against women.  Thirdly, the Center addresses child care and its costs, working to help people at the University identify ways to meet their child care needs.  Fourthly, the Center celebrates Women’s Week, which this year will fall from March 22-30.  Golden directed members’ attention to the fliers at the back of the room.  She noted that the kick-off event would take place Monday, March 24 with song, dance and poetry.  The Center will sponsor a health fair and evening entertainment throughout the week.

Golden noted that all listed events are open to members of the University community.  She encouraged people to provide feedback on planned activities and other issues.  The Chair thanked Golden for her presentation.

Human Resources Update

Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Laurie Charest noted that the Office of Human Resources is undergoing a transition to a different organizational structure.  She said that in the past Human Resources had been very functionally structured.  Now, the majority of services will be provided by Human Resources generalists, similar to the famous ‘personal banker.’

Beginning this month, departments will find out their assigned generalists.  Generalists will form three teams, led by Connie Boyce, Link Butler and one other.  They will cover the four main areas of employment, benefits, employee relations and classification and compensation.  Generalists will do recruitment and classification work and in the next month or two will work to respond much better to the needs of their departments.  Charest asked Employees to provide her with feedback about their performance.

Secondly, Charest noted that many faculty and staff have been or may be called up to military service.  She reminded Delagates that federal laws cover these employees and they receive protections during their time in service.  First of all, these employees receive 30 days paid for military service.  Also, the University must hold these employees jobs open for them while they serve.  Additionally, following the September 11 attacks, the University will pay differential pay for employees who made more for their University pay than in the service.  This feature helps to prevent financial hardship for folks in the military.

Charest said that more faculty have received call-ups than staff given the number of medical school personnel affected, among other factors.  Most everyone has a family member or friend in the service, and all are bound to find these to be stressful times.  Charest said that Employees who are stressed or whom know others to be stressed can make an appointment with Susan Criscenzo at 929-2362.  Criscenzo will make a presentation to the Forum at a later date.

Finally, Charest noted the Governor’s State of the State address.  She reported that the State Budget office had said that the Governor’s budget would include a 1.6% increase for staff, but cautioned that much remains to be done to guarantee that increase.

Mike Hawkins asked whether the differential pay law was mandated by the State or the federal government.  Charest said that the differential pay statute fell under State law, while the federal law protects called up employees against job loss.

An Employee asked how Human Resources would assign the generalists to different departments.  Charest said that there are 15 generalists who will be assigned to different departments and schools.  She noted that the library has a  Human Resources operation to work directly with Employees.

Tom Arnel asked how the generalist system would affect recruiting.  Charest said that one of Human Resources’ goals is to improve service, and she said that the University would still need to recruit centrally.  However, generalists would perform referrals, check minimum qualifications and do other things to improve screening of recruits.  She thought that departments and schools could prioritize their recruiting a bit better and she hoped that generalists would help improve response.  She said that pilot departments in this system had given very good feedback on generalist participation in recruitment.

An Employee asked if anything had slowed down in the last month during restructuring.  Charest said that a slow down was possible given the demands related to the transition.  This Employee said that she had made an offer to a recruit to fill a position at the end of January to fill a position in two weeks, but said that this person had not yet received a contact from the University.  By the time the Employee could respond, something else had occurred.  Charest said that she would speak with this Employee during the Forum’s break to rectify the matter, saying that no recruitment offer should have hung for that long.

Syed Mustafa asked how departments could find their Human Resources generalists.  Charest said that generalists will contact their departments this week, and directed Mustafa to the list of generalists on the Human Resources website.

Arnel asked if Human Resources planned to send out e-mail to Employees about the new generalist system.  Charest said that her department had sent out notification to Human Resources facilitators in the Human Resources Trumpet and generally to the University Gazette.  Arnel suggested that Human Resources use the e-mail notification system also.  Charest said that a number of Employees choose to opt out of the communication e-mails and so would not receive the message.  An Employee suggested that Human Resources pursue both paths, since some Employees do not read the University Gazette and are accustomed to e-mail for information.  Charest said that she would pursue both avenues.

Scott Ragland asked how many Employees have been called up for military service given the impending war with Iraq.  Charest said that her most recent list was a couple of weeks old.  She knew of 13 Employees with another 12 who have been put on notice, but she suspected that this number has grown.  She did not know of everyone who had received call-ups since these do not have to come through the Human Resources office, but she had asked facilitators to keep her informed.

Joanne Kucharski asked if there were any news about the broadbanding pilot.  Charest said that she had held meetings with law enforcement area Employees since the Forum last met, and the effort there had progressed much further.  However, since the numbers in that area are so much smaller than elsewhere, she felt some reluctant to commit to a full-fledged switchover.  She said that Human Resources had conducted initial meetings with centralized information technology offices and was working on forming exploratory committees.  Many Human Resources staff were currently in attendance at one of these meetings.

Approval of the Minutes

The Chair hoped that all had had the opportunity to read the minutes.  An Employee noted that the professor mentioned on page 8 of the minutes should be referred to as “Professor Pfaff.” Delita Wright said that her comment on the bottom of page 8
should have read that Wright noted that administrators, clerks and secretaries play a real role in running good departments
and a fine University, and, do you think that top administrators recognize that the quality of staff contributions is directly related to the quality of the results achieved by departments and programs. Steve Allred responded that he is aware of this. He was not sure that the administration is aware, but thinks they should be.

Cynthia Cowan noted a number of typos in the minutes.  In the absence of further discussion, the Forum approved the minutes subject to the amendments listed above.

The Chair read a letter from Susan Ehringhaus expressing her appreciation for the Forum’s presentation of its 3-Legged Stool award last month.

New Business

The Chair read a resolution concerning adverse weather issues for first reading.  He asked members to think further about this resolution when it comes up for second reading next month.

Committee Reports

Stephanie Lombardo, chair of the Career Development committee, said that the group would meet from 2-3 p.m. Thursday, March 13.

Matt Banks of the Communications committee said that the group was scheduled to meet Thursday, March 6 at 9 a.m.  With the resignations of Matt Todd, Scott Blalock and C.L. Lassiter, the committee is currently in need of members and leadership.

Joanne Kucharski, chair of the Employee Presentations committee, said that group also was searching for an extra set of hands.  The committee would discuss different themes for community meetings.  She invited members to join this committee.

Katherine Graves, chair of the Nominating committee, said that the committee would work on bringing notice of the Forum to departmental staff meetings.  The committee also planned to work on creation of a generic handout on the Forum for posting in department offices.  She invited Delegates to volunteer.

Meredith Clason, chair of the Orientation committee, said that group had discussed its goals for the year.  The committee would meet Monday, March 10 at 10 a.m. in the Forum Office.

Tom Rhyne of the Personnel Issues committee reported that Mary Ann Vacheron, chair of the committee, had resigned.  Rhyne and Delita Wright would serve as interim chairs until the committee’s March 19 meeting.  Rhyne said that Vacheron’s loss would be a significant  loss to the committee and said that her leadership had been a great boon to the group.

Shirley Hart, co-chair of the Recognition & Awards committee, said that group would meet Monday, March 10 from 11:30-12:30 in the Forum Office to discuss plans for the year.

Mike Hawkins, chair of the University Committee Assignments committee, said that group planned to pursue staff representation on University and ad hoc committees.  He asked that Employees send him information about possible committees on which staff could serve.  He said that the committee also planned to complete its goal of updating committee information on the Forum website.  He said that the committee had received several requests for assignments this month.

The Chair said that the Forum would go outside the list of Delegates to find representatives for the various University committees.  He said that the committee work is very important and he appreciated the service of current Delegates.

The Chair said that the University faced an unknown year budget wise, and said it was important to support the University and its goals and staff.  He said that people who speak negatively about the University speak against everyone.  He said that the University has been a positive for the State and the nation, and deserved our support.

The Chair moved on to a resolution praising Bus Hubbard and the UNC Grounds department.  He asked that the Forum pass the resolution by suspending the rules if possible.  He then read the resolution.

Hawkins noted that Hubbard, a 50-year University Employee, had begun work with the University in 1953.  He said that Hubbard was a man of integrity to have served with the University for that long.

The Forum moved to suspend its rules and hear the resolution on second reading.  The Forum then approved the resolution by acclamation.

The Chair thanked the Forum for its work.  He noted that Bus Hubbard had been with the University for 50 years, almost one-quarter of the history of the University.  He said that there are not enough words to explain the example that Hubbard has set for others here at the University.  He then showed Forum members frames the Forum had purchased to go to Hubbard and the UNC Grounds department that contained the Forum resolution.

Chair’s Report

The Chair noted that he had sat in on interviews for a new benefits director.  He had met with several outstanding candidates.  He had also served on the Carolina North users’ advisory group with Steve Allred.  He noted that planning for the Carolina North tract will impact the next 25-100 years.

Hawkins noted that the plan looks to add around 4,400 Employees to UNC-Chapel Hill.

The Chair said that he had met with the Board of the Carolina Center for Public Service, which is engaged in many good things for the University.  He recalled that Center projects had helped the APPLES program, English as a Second Language, medical treatment, and many other service proposals.  He noted that delegate Amy Gorely is the assistant director for the Center.

The Chair said that the Forum officers would soon meet with the Chancellor to discuss various issues.

The Chair said that Public Safety Chief Derek Poarch and University Director of Communications Mike McFarland would speak on the University’s adverse weather procedures and the University’s new transit fee structure at the April Forum meeting.  He noted that there had been a suggestion to build a parking deck on Jackson Circle near Odum Village.  He said that the University was working to keep transit and bus costs low to hold parking permit prices down.

The Chair introduced 1998 Forum Chair Linwood Futrelle to speak on behalf of the University Buildings & Grounds committee.  Futrelle said that he is the only staff representative on this committee, which serves an important role overseeing the suitability of proposed projects in the campus environment, with regard to site locations, appearance, and other matters down to signage and trim on buildings.  The committee is charged to make decisions that will affect the campus for the next 100-200 years, and will soon discuss the Jackson Circle question.

Futrelle noted that the committee had addressed the question of locating a new steam plant and six other buildings near Manning Drive.  The committee had addressed plans for the 400,000 gallon chilled water container that is used to power air conditioning units around campus.  The committee constantly works to insure that building projects pay into the campus transit fund to replace parking places that are eliminated during the new construction.

Futrelle asked Delegates to e-mail him with questions or comments, as he enjoyed representing the Forum on this committee.  A delegate asked about the use of Gerrard Hall as a community center.  Futrelle noted that the building serves as a classroom which seats over 250.  He noted that classrooms are under renovation and the committee typically makes recommendations on placement of new benches and statutes.

Hawkins asked how the Medical School buildings would interact with the new cancer hospital to be built across the street from the Bennett building.  He asked also if the Health Care System had agreed to sign on to the standards of the Buildings & Grounds.

Matt Banks asked if Futrelle could comment on questions about the future of West House.  Futrelle said that the University had not raised any money yet for the Arts Common.  He said also that West House would likely pass into history once money was raised for this idea, unless the University decided to move the building to another location.

Katherine Graves commented that the grounds and landscaping on campus were very well designed.  Futrelle said that the committee did not work on selecting shrubbery.

At this point the Forum took a five minute break.

The Chair introduced Amy Gorely from the Carolina Center for Public Service to discuss the Center’s public service awards.  He noted that he alonog with many Employees have served on awards committees for the Center, and noted that faculty, staff and students have been involved in service outside the community.

Gorely said that the Ned Brooks award was named after a former Employee and founder of the Center.  This award is given for an overall lifetime record of service and represents a $500 financial award.  Bryan Service awards are given for particular projects, four for students and four for faculty and staff.  The award grants $500 for individual use and $500 for project use.

The Office of the Provost public service award helps to recognize units’ extraordinary public service, granting two $2500 prizes.

Gorely encouraged Employees to nominate their fellow co-workers, and said that much more information is available on the website at

The Chair commented that Ned Brooks had served on the Forum and several University committees.  He said that Brooks is a fine gentleman and had served the University well.

Delita Wright noted that the Personnel Issues committee had sent feedback on the academic plan to Steve Allred.

Wright said that she hoped to persuade  Mary Ann Vacheron to reconsider her decision to resign as Personnel Issues committee chair.  She added that Delagates could obtain a copy of the proposed academic plan changes from her.  The forwarded proposal changed only one or two sentences to emphasize the importance of a well-qualified staff along that of well-maintained buildings and facilities.  This sentence refers mainly to the importance of proper instructional support.

Another sentence urged the plan to emphasize reducing the turnover of University staff and to improve the average qualifying staff salary..

Additionally, Wright noted Personnel Issues committee members’ concerns about the Office of State Personnel survey emerging from a recent University Gazette story.  Members of the Personnel Issues committee said that they would normally have missed this story and felt concerned that Human Resources did not directly e-mail Employees to ask them to fill out the survey.  She said that the committee had directly contacted Nancy Suttenfield and Laurie Charest to register their dissatisfaction with the limited communication about the survey.

Finally, Wright noted that the committee would break into subcommittees, one dealing with benefits issues such as retirement and adverse weather, another on equity, retention, classification and managerial accountability issues and a third on transit and parking concerns.  Employees with interests in these areas can contact Wright or Tom Rhyne.

The Chair noted that members of the Executive Committee had been invited to meet with SEANC representatives at their March 11 meeting.

At this point the Chair introduced Chancellor James Moeser to make remarks.  He noted the large number of UNC Grounds Employees present to honor Bus Hubbard and he said that the Forum was working to represent the needs of all Employees on campus.

Moeser thanked the Forum and its new officers, Tommy Griffin, Joanne Kucharski and Katherine Graves, for their continuing work on behalf of the University.  He thanked Employees and their faculty colleagues for their outstanding level of contributions to the State Employees’ Combined Campaign, raising combined with the UNC Health Care System more than $1.4 million.  This sum alone represents 23% of the total State goal.  He said that these gifts go to help social agencies, food banks and health care organizations that are stretched to the limit by the current poor economy.  He also noted the recognition ceremony that gave special awards to units contributing at the 80%, 90% or 100% level, and was gratified to see that so many Employees had contributed this year.

Moeser thanked the Grounds department for its continuing good work in keeping the campus beautiful after two bad ice storms and other bad weather this year.  He said that these Employees had done themselves and the University proud.

Moeser noted that Tim Hunt would speak on physiology and cell cycle regulation that afternoon as part of the Chancellor’s Science Seminar series.  This series is supported by funds from the office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies.

Moeser had just returned from Raleigh and a meeting with Governor Easley on the State’s budget.  He said that Easley was working to provide adequate increases for faculty and staff in a very difficult budget year.  He said that Easley’s strategy would be to keep budget cuts as low as possible and to give University campuses the flexibility to determine how these cuts would be distributed.

Moeser believed that the Governor had treated the University fairly in his budget, but the process must now go to the House and then the Senate.  He praised the Governor and local legislators for their efforts on behalf of higher education.

Moeser then turned the meeting back over to the Chair.  The Chair noted that the Forum had assembled to honor William ‘Bus’ Hubbard, always known as ‘Bus.’  Hubbard is an outstanding person and a gentleman, the Chair said.  He recalled that Hubbard had worked as the University’s tree cutter for 50 years, a record he doubted would ever be broken.  The Chair praised Hubbard’s dedication to maintaining the campus and his spirit of caring about others.  He noted that Hubbard had carried the Forum flag during University Day as he represents the history of staff Employees on campus.

The Chair felt proud to call Hubbard a friend, and said that Hubbard is an outstanding individual always present with a smile on his face and a kind word.

The Chancellor called Hubbard forward to recognize him for his efforts and knowledge of tree care, an issue of particular importance to the sylvan campus of Chapel Hill.  He said that Hubbard’s work had defined the look and feel of the campus perhaps more than the buildings themselves.  He said that Hubbard had served an old tradition of tree care which had made the campus happy and given it peace.

Moeser noted that in 1805 University trustees had ordered the University steward to employ some fit person to trim trees in a judicious manner on McCorkle Place.  Hubbard has carried on that tradition since 1953, planting new oaks outside Old East.  He has done work here that will outlast all of us, creating a tremendous legacy in his work.

Chancellor Moeser announced that the University had decided to name the new grounds building in Hubbard’s name, as the William J. Hubbard grounds facility.  He said that he believed that this was the first time the University had named a building after a current staff Employee.  He said that it was an honor to present the architect’s rendering of the building to Bus.

Kirk Pelland, Hubbard’s supervisor, noted that he had invited Hubbard’s wife of 44 years, Mary, their daughter Sherri, and their granddaughter Chiffon to attend the event that day.  He recalled that when Hubbard’s co-workers had suggested the idea, his heart jumped at the thought.  He thanked Carolyn Elfland and the rest of the University administration for going along with the idea, as well as the Board of Trustees.

Pelland said that he felt proud to have worked with Hubbard, as someone he looked up to and admired.  He said that Hubbard has friends all over the county and University, and is a tremendously talented individual.  Pelland noted that Hubbard has little formal training but incredible perseverance and desire to improve his skills and knowledge over the years.  He has progressed from the handsaws of yesteryear to the tools of today.  In the process, he has trimmed and reshaped trees all throughout the campus’ 850 acres, pruning every landscape tree on campus.

Hubbard had continued a commitment to quality work in the recent power outages and snowstorms, reshaping 100 foot oaks damaged by the storms.  Always, he has maintained a positive attitude and dogged determination and efficiency to do his job and do it well.

Pelland praised Hubbard’s amazing skill with a chain saw and tree climber.  Pelland recalled his favorite story in which Hubbard had worked all morning in the trees outside Chancellor Fordham’s house on Country Club road.  As Pelland drove up, Mrs. Fordham commented that Hubbard’s work was really amazing, as he tie into tree limbs, worked through his crouch, made his cuts, then threw his rope onward to the next limb and swung over.  Mrs. Fordham had observed Hubbard from her second story window and had seen his work at close range.

Pelland noted that Hubbard is also an outstanding equipment operator who is rumored to own more equipment than the entire grounds department.  He is as an accomplished plantsman as anyone in the room, and has tirelessly served the University no matter the task.  He said it was right to honor someone who had worked to restore the campus after every snow and ice storm for the past 50 years, who had worked to get the campus ready for every graduation for the past 50 years.

Pelland said that stories of this marvelous talented man would persist as long as there was a campus here to maintain..  He thanked Hubbard for his wonderful example.

Moeser recalled a quote about the architect Christopher Wren, when it was said about St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, ‘if you seek his monument, look about you.’  Moeser said that while we were not present to bury Hubbard, we can know him from his works in every branch and limb above us.

Moeser asked the Forum to stand and honor the UNC Grounds department and Hubbard for their many hours of work for each other and the University.

The Chair read the Forum’s resolution honoring Hubbard and the Grounds department, and presented each with a framed copy.

Sherri Hubbard thanked Moeser on behalf of their family, and recalled what it is being his daughter.  She said that Bus had been a lawyer, doctor, banker and a wonderful father throughout the years, and had enjoyed his job and coworkers.  She said that to know him is to understand.

At this point, the Forum entertained a motion to adjourn.  Chris Koltz made this motion seconded by Chuck Brink.  The meeting adjourned by acclamation at 11:34 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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