Proclamation 19-01 Regarding the Clear Pricing Project
WHEREAS, it is the role of the Employee Forum to serve as an advisory body regarding matters related to the Employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and,
WHEREAS, access to local, affordable, and quality healthcare for University employees is paramount to the health and well-being of the University, its employees, their dependents, and related covered parties; and,
WHEREAS, broad provider participation in the State Health Plan provider network generally facilitates affordable access to quality healthcare; and,
WHEREAS, as of the State Health Plan’s deadline of July 1, 2019, only three out of 111 hospitals have made public their commitment to join the State Health Plan provider network under the new Clear Pricing Project due to take effect January 1, 2020; and,
WHEREAS, State Health Plan officials have not been forthcoming or timely with information regarding impending changes to the healthcare provider network, such information is necessary to make informed healthcare decisions, and the time required to educate University employees on this important issue is dwindling; and,
WHEREAS, University employees will be required to make potentially life-changing decisions regarding their healthcare within the limited open enrollment period, due to occur between October 1 and October 31, 2019;
BE IT PROCLAIMED, the Employee Forum believes that University employees are caught in the middle between the State Treasurer and healthcare providers. The Forum perceives that University employees do not have a voice and are not represented in the negotiations. The Forum fears the negative financial and healthcare consequences for University employees and families; and,
BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED, it is imperative that University employees who are State Health Plan participants and stakeholders are informed of their “in-network” healthcare provider options with all due haste.