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Regarding President Bowles’ Task Force to Identify Possible Modifications to the State Personnel Act



April 4, 2007

WHEREAS, the Mission of the Employee Forum is to constructively address the concerns of the Employees of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, including the representation of staff concerns to University officials, the University of North Carolina General Administration, the UNC System Staff Assembly, State Legislators and the citizenry of North Carolina; and

WHEREAS, those concerns may include any actions or decisions that significantly affect employees’ work environments and situations; and

WHEREAS, this Forum recognizes that modernizing and updating the current personnel system may be necessary, especially in view of the need to become more efficient with the use of state financial resources; and

WHEREAS, this Forum  fully appreciates Presidents Bowles’s acknowledgement of the concerns of employees regarding  the adoption of ‘Personnel Flexibility’ and appreciates his commitment to listening to the voice of employees expressed through their constituent forums and the System-wide Staff Assembly and;

WHEREAS, this Forum supports the President’s commitment to seek modifications to the State Personnel Act developed  within the framework of a task force convened to reach a workable consensus and;

WHEREAS, President Bowles has stated he will ask the Staff Assembly for recommendations for the staff members of this task force;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Forum recommends that such representation be broadly representative of all employment categories and all salary grades and that any permanent non-faculty University employee is eligible for nomination and recommendation

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Forum calls upon its delegates to the System-wide Staff Assembly to propose to that body that any recommendations for staff members to serve on the task force should have been democratically approved after sufficient open discussion, deliberation, consideration, and endorsement by a vote of the full Staff Assembly;

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that it is the wish of this Forum that its delegates to the Staff Assembly be mandated to support this resolution’s provisions and advocate that its position be democratically adopted by the Staff Assembly as the means by which staff recommendations for the task force are made.

Signed on behalf of the Employee Forum,


Ernie Patterson, Chair

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