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Voices of the help: Domestic Workers tell their stories


Editor’s note: The conventional myth is that America is a classless society. The reality, however, is that a person’s worth–and often their intelligence–is judged on how they earn a paycheck. There’s a loose, vague pecking order in society that needs to be challenged.  We should focus on those things that we have in common; not the things that make us different.

One Response to “Voices of the help: Domestic Workers tell their stories (”

  1. Brenda

    I have heard global allegations for a long time about the working conditions of housekeeping employees here at UNC. This article not only puts faces on some of those workers, but also provides a more detailed picture of what it is like to work in one of the most under-valued positions on campus.

    Some of the complaints they aired — about not being expected to have or rewarded for having and voicing their opinions about things — can be features of all jobs. (“Shut up and follow directions” is an occupational hazard we all face.) Some of their complaints are quite stunning to read about.

    I extend my hearty admiration to those women who have taken their courage in their hands and spoken out, despite the risks. We should all be so brave….

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