I. Introduction
The Personnel Issues Committee hears, elevates, and helps address staff concerns from across the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Staff connect with the committee through their delegate representatives, the anonymous reporting feature on the Forum website, or directly to committee Chairs. The Committee addresses staff concerns by meeting with University administrators, asking questions at the Vice Chancellors Representatives meetings, and drafting formal resolutions for the Forum.
II. Accomplishments
The Personnel Issues Committee helped address staff concerns during the 2021-2022 term by:
a. Calling for the elimination of the “20 Percent Rule”;
i. Resolution 21-04
b. Calling for inclusive religious and reflective holidays;
i. Resolution 21-05
c. Calling for the University to address serious retention, morale, and resource problems in University Housekeeping;
i. Resolution 22-02
d. Drafting a Sexual Assault Awareness Month resolution; and
i. Resolution 22-03
ii. Coordinated with the University’s Gender Violence Services Coordinators.
e. Facilitating a Clery Act presentation to the full Forum.
i. Coordinated with the University’s Clery Act Officer and Office of Emergency Management.
III. Ongoing Concerns and/or Issues for Next Term
a. Following up on resolutions to ensure the University meaningfully addresses the concerns raised in the resolutions;
b. Engaging with Carolina Women’s Center; Gender Violence Services Coordinators;
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committees; and
c. Advocating for better and more systemic talent management.
i. At the May 2022 Board of Trustees’ meeting, UNC-Chapel Hill leadership
identified “Talent Management” as one of the University’s top five Institutional Risks for 2022-2023. The University defines “talent management” as “[r]etaining and attracting top talent fundamental to the University’s ability to operate and actively compete in a higher education marketplace.”
ii. The Personnel Issues Committee plans to work closely with the Office of Human Resources (OHR) to better understand OHR’s plans to retain and develop a talented workforce, including financial and non-monetary options.
iii. Committee ideas so far to enhance talent management include the following:
1. Financial
a. Advocate for compensation system updates/range revisions.
b. Address pay equity re: vastly different available budgets for different departments/units/schools.
2. Non-monetary incentives
a. Meaningful career development/pathways to promotion
i. Implement Carolina Next Objective 3.2, which calls on the University to: “[p]rovide University staff with systematic professional development options, enabling them to grow career opportunities.”
b. Mentorship.
c. Improved work/life balance.
d. Flexible work schedules/locations.
IV. Committee Structure
a. Rotating, two-year terms of co-chairs.
b. Co-chair systems is essential to the work of the committee, demanding work, consistent committee presence, one of chairs is always at VC Reps, Executive Committee, and full Forum meetings.
c. At the annual new delegate committee selection committee, ask for re-endorsement of the co-chair dynamic system.
d. One co-chair rotates off, new chair rotates on annually.