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The Carolina Family Scholarship fund was established in 2004 to provide need-based scholarships to the children of employees attending any of the 16 UNC campuses or community colleges in North Carolina. Children of UNC employees do not receive a tuition break, and some employees on our campus are hard-pressed to meet the challenge of helping their children enroll in our community colleges or state universities. This fund creates a sense of community among UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and staff by working toward a common goal–furthering the education of employee children.



We require both one-time and ongoing contributions in order to sustain and grow this program. Faculty and staff can give to the program by completing the employee gift form. Be sure to select the Carolina Family Scholarship Fund. You can also give via check, credit card, stock or bank draft, and—if you are paid through University payroll—via payroll deduction. You can also make your gift instantly online at this secure link. All contributions are tax deductible.

Donations are not required to apply for the scholarship, nor do they affect the likelihood of receiving a scholarship.


Applications are accepted annually from April 15th to June 15th at 11:59 PM.

Thank you for your interest in the Carolina Family Scholarship. We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024-2025 academic year. If you have questions, please contact the Employee Forum at

<!–APPLY HERE–>To be eligible, applicants must meet all of the following criteria.

  • Applicants must be children of UNC-Chapel Hill permanent employees who currently work at least 30 hours per week. Children are defined as being dependent for income tax purposes and must reside with the UNC employee. Please note: children whose parent/guardian is an employee of UNC Health are not eligible for this scholarship.”
  • Applicants must be enrolled full time in any accredited North Carolina post-secondary public institution during the upcoming academic year.
  • Applicants must demonstrate financial need by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and providing a copy of the Student Aid Report (SAR) as a supporting document along with their application. The SAR must include the Expected Family Contribution (EFC).

Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee consisting of UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and staff. The number and amount of awards will vary according to fund availability, and recipients must verify their enrollment and academic standing at the institution they will be attending and provide this as part of the application. Previous recipients of the UNC Family Scholarship are eligible to apply in subsequent years. The award is also contingent on the UNC employee parent remaining employed full time (at least 30 hours) at UNC-Chapel Hill.



The Employee Forum
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
134 East Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Office: (919) 962-3779
Fax: (919) 843-1843

2024 Recipients

Ayanna KaiAdamsNC A & T University
ArabelaDoyleUNC-Chapel Hill
Jacob ThomasHaneyNC State University
SimrikaJoshiUNC-Chapel Hill
Kaylin AnnaFuLongUNC-Chapel Hill
Xander MasonSechriestNC State University
Nadia SaiWashingtonUNC-Chapel Hill

2023 Recipients

EliseBenwareUNC-Chapel Hill
TrumanChamberlinUNC-Chapel Hill
HserDayUNC-Chapel Hill
SethHallUNC-Chapel Hill
SimrikaJoshiUNC-Chapel Hill
ThandaKyiNC State University

2022 Recipients

Elise LouiseBenwareUNC-Chapel Hill
Hser NayDayUNC-Chapel Hill
Thanda SuKyiNC State University
Jada Lyric-ElizabethLeeAppalachian State University
JamieLongUNC-Chapel Hill
Natalia GraceMcCulloughSandhills Community College
Cameron ScottStevensonNC State University

2021 Recipients

JulieElliotUNC-Chapel Hill
JamieLongUNC-Chapel Hill
ColinLunsfordAppalachian State University
JenniferMiskowAppalachian State University
IsabellaThayerNC State University
ZiyahWareNC A&T University

2020 Recipients

TrumanChamberlinUNC-Chapel Hill
DevinKehoeNC State
OliviaOsborneUNC-Chapel Hill
SofiaTheinDurham Technical Community College
JordanWalkerUNC-Chapel Hill

2019 Recipients

JustinaHannaUNC-Chapel Hill
DevinKehoeN.C. State
CingNuamUNC-Chapel Hill
JaronRosenbergN.C. State
SarahSessomsN.C. State
JennySuwanmaneeUNC-Chapel Hill

Previous recipients (2015 – 2018)


In the News

‘Dear future me’ (UNC, September 2016)

Hard-working twins benefit from Carolina Family Scholarship (University Gazette, August 2015)

Cheek family believes in paying it forward (Employee Forum inTouch, July 2015)

Employee Forum agrees to champion Carolina Family Scholarship (University Gazette, December 2014)

Carolina Family Scholarship may move to Employee Forum (University Gazette, November 2014)

Carolina Family Scholarship fund college dreams (University Gazette, August 2012)–>