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From Section III., E. of the Forum Bylaws:

“The Employee Forum may choose to bestow Honorary Delegate status upon individuals, limiting itself to two individuals honored per calendar year. Honorary Delegates are non-voting members of the Employee Forum. Petition for such recognition shall be made by general resolution, with a two-thirds majority vote required for passage. Terms for Honorary Delegates will be left to the discretion of the Employee Forum.”

Year HonoredName
2024Terri Phoenix
2024Kevin Guskiewicz
2021Shayna Hill
2020 Laurie Mesibov
2019 James Holman
2019 Carol Folt
2018Wayne Blair
2017Gena Carter
2017Charles Streeter
2015Brenda Denzler
2014Brenda Malone
2013Karol Kain Gray
2013Jackie Overton
2013Holden Thorp
2012Paula Schubert
2007John Heuer
2005Tommy Griffin
2004Rachel Windham
2003Kay Wijnberg Hovious
1998Elson S. Floyd
1995Paul Hardin