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This committee is responsible for overseeing the annual Peer Recognition Awards. Committee members work closely with the Forum’s Program Manager for all aspects of the award process including the call for nomination, nomination form, recipient selection, and the distribution of the recipient stipends. Award recipients are announced during the June general meeting. This committee is also responsible for the selection of the Rebecca Clark Staff Award for Moral Courage which is awarded annual during the University Day celebration.


To contact any of the delegates listed below, please consult the University directory.

Charlissa Rice (co-chair)Exec. Talent Management/EOC
Shayla Evans-Hollingsworth (co-chair)Human Resources
Matthew ChamberlinGillings School of Global Public Health
Gabriela De la CruzLineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Vanessa MitchellSchool of Social Work
Kelly Scurlock-CrossObstetrics/Gynecology
Susse ToroITS
Randall Borror (secondary)Cardiology
Sharron Bouquin (secondary)Information Techology Services
Tiffany Carver (secondary)Provost's Office
Rebecca Howell (secondary)School of Law
Jennifer Larson (secondary)Friday Center, Continuing Education
Katie Musgrove (secondary)School of Law