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Carolina Campus Community Garden Advisory Board Minutes

April 16, 2014


PRESENT: Olga Baza, Tait Chandler (guest), Nancy Easterling, Christina Lebonville, Claire Lorch, Arlene Medder, John Powers, Linden Thayer and Diane Webster




Funding Greenhouse: UNC student and CCCG volunteer, Tait Chandler reported that RESPC (Renewable Energy Special Projects Committee) voted unanimously to allocate $15,000 to CCCG to build a passive solar greenhouse with an attached solar panel (+system) to power lights and fans inside (We may decide to use the power for heating mats rather than lights which is okay with them.) Two stipulations to the funding:  1.) There has to be some renewable energy generation system on the greenhouse to receive the $15,000. If this is not possible, RESPC will have to reconsider the proposal and will allocate a smaller amount and 2.) RESPC would like recognition for their contribution to the project – up to us on how that happens (physical plaque, media, website, blog post).  There is no time limit on the money but RESPC prefers that we spend it within the next year.


Weed Dating:  Corey and John reported that the event was successful in that the attendees really enjoyed the experience (everyone weeded one bed together); there was great food and atmosphere. However, due to the conflict with Dance Marathon, only four people showed up.  Date selection in the future needs to consider other University events and publicity in the Pit.


Faculty Council Meeting (March 28)-Very well received. Chancellor and Provost were there. Many people spoke with Alice after the meeting about how impressed and excited they were about the garden. David Routh, heads fundraising, wants to talk more about ways to support the garden. Charles Streeter of Employee Forum asked us to do repeat the presentation for Forum at their retreat June 4.


Tool Shed/Compost Bins-Claire reported that she and Nancy had a very good meeting with the CCCG Working Group.  The Group highly recommends that we build or purchase a tool shed to be located on the garden property (more convenient and safer since it will be out in the open). It will need to be made of untreated wood and fit in with the neighborhood. Claire will need to submit to Beth our plan to include size, materials and location on the site.  Meanwhile, Beth agreed to find out if it will need to be accessible. (It will  also have to be approved by Property Review Committee and Town).  Group also recommends we build compost corrals or bins for wood chips, leaf mulch and Brooks compost out of untreated wood, with internal framing for greater stability and for attaching front slats that will be removable.


Composting and UNC Dining Services-Carolina Dining Services Sustainability Coordinator (UNC student) contacted Claire about doing a -workshop on composting as part of Earth Week (It ended up being cancelled). The Coordinator was also interested in coming up with a plan to get compost from the dining hall to CCCG. Discussions will continue in the fall and also include staff from Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling and students from Environmental Affairs Committee.




Some Food but not Enough

Claire raised the question of what to do when we have some food but not enough for

a full distribution. It was suggested we consider offering the food to Grounds

Services that has expressed an interest in receiving our food in the past or give it to

a program of HOPE Garden, HOPE Cooks. 


Second Shift Zone to Attend Workday

A second shift zone manager would really like to have at least some of his staff

attend a workday this summer.  He is hoping if he tries it and is successful, other

zone managers will want to do the same.


Goodbye to Olga Baza

This was the last meeting for Olga. We will really miss her and appreciate her

time and commitment this year. Olga has identified another housekeeper, first

shift, day porter staff, who can take her place. Her name is Vickie Whitfield.


Zone Manager to Fill in for Myra Shaw

Everette Deloney (Myra Shaw’s zone manager) has asked to be on our board since

Myra has other commitments at this time.  The Board responded enthusiastically to

this request.


Medicinal Plants – Claire wondered if the CCCG should set aside a special area to grow medicinal plants and provide information on their potential benefits.  Board suggested they be incorporated into garden or in containers (so as not to waste valuable garden space) but that we may also want to consider doing a workshop on edible or medicinal weeds.


Upcoming Events

  • NUTR 245 Student Presentation May 2nd 4-6 pm  (new location: Carrboro Elementary Auditorium)
  • Food Truck Rodeo Fundraiser May 2nd 6-8 pm (Carrboro Town Commons)
  • Chapel Hill Garden Club Tour May 3 and May 4
  • Law School Staff returning for garden workday May 7 or 14
  • Summer Splash June 4 (9:00 -10:30 a.m.)
  • Employee Forum Retreat June 4 (11:30 a.m.  – 12:00 p.m.)
  • Tour of the Honey Beehive Workshop June 1 (2:00 – 3:00 p.m.)
  • Week of Welcome Aug 20th (4:00 – 6:00 p.m.)
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