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Agenda — April 2, 2003

9:30 a.m.—-Meeting Wilson Library, Pleasant Family Assembly Room

I.          Call to Order

II.         Welcome Guests & Members of the Press

III.            Opening Remarks

· Chancellor James Moeser

IV.       Special Presentations

· Sindhura Citineni on Campus Y Hunger Lunch

· Susan Criscenzo on Employee Assistance Program

· Mike McFarland and Derek Poarch on Adverse Weather, New Transit Plan/Fee Schedule

V.        Employee Presentations or Questions

VI.       Human Resources Update

· Laurie Charest, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources

VII.      Approval of Minutes of the March 5, 2003 meeting P

VIII.     Old Business

· Resolution 03-01, On Adverse Weather when the Governor Declares the Roads Closed (2nd Reading) P

IX.        New Business

· Resolution 03-02, On Adverse Weather when the Governor Declares the Roads Closed (1st Reading) P

X.         Stretch Time 6

XI.        Forum Committee Reports

· Career Development: Stephanie Lombardo

· Communications:

Þ    Forum Newsletter

· Employee Presentations:  Joanne Kucharski

· Nominating: Katherine Graves

Þ    Forum Elections

· Orientation:  Meredith Clason

· Personnel Issues: Tom Rhyne/Delita Wright

· Recognition and Awards:  Katherine Graves/Shirley Hart

· University Committee Assignments:  Mike Hawkins

XII.       Chair’s Report (Executive Committee):  Tommy Griffin

XIII.      Task Force/University Committee Reports

· Advisory Committee on Transportation— Tommy Griffin

· Carolina North Project—Tommy Griffin

XIV.     Announcements/Questions

XV.      Adjournment

P = Included in Agenda Packet



April 2, 2003

Wilson Library Assembly Room


Delagates Present

Linda Allred

Tom Arnel

Debra Banks

Dixie Bloom

Roy Caudle

Meredith Clason

Gary Cocker

Karen Copeland

Cynthia Cowan

Ray Doyle

Shanna Fleenor

Amy Gorely

Katherine Graves

Tommy Griffin

Jimmie Hart

Shirley Hart

Mary Johnson

Joanne Kucharski

C.L. Lassiter

Cheryl Lytle

Lynn McPherson

Corrie Mimms

Syed Mustafa

Carol Payne

Gail Plaisance

Lynn Ray

Cynthia Reardon

Tom Rhyne

Mack Rich

Pam Siler

Debra Skinner

Mary Ann Vacheron

Ruth Williams

Delita Wright

Laurie Charest

 “ = Ex-Officio

Delagates Absent

Mike Hawkins

Chris Koltz

Lauren Mangili

Kevin Quinlan

Norma Roberts

Excused Absences

Meredith Clason

Joanne Kucharski

Michael McQuown

Alternates Present

Sherrie Settle

Brian White


Connie Boyce

Linc Butler

Gina Carter

Sindhura Citineni

Eric Ferreri

John Heuer

Mike McFarland

Claire Miller

James Moeser

Derek Poarch

Scott Ragland

Cheryl Stout


            The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m.  He welcomed Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Laurie Charest, Chief of Public Safety Derek Poarch, Director of University Communications Mike McFarland, and Assistant Director for Parking Services Cheryl Stout, among others.  He then turned the meeting over to Chancellor James Moeser to make opening remarks.

Moeser took a moment to acknowledge recent events associated with the retirement of UNC basketball coach Matt Doherty.  He noted the unusual circumstances related to the decision, and the concerns expressed at the recent press conference about the climate for personal growth, learning and character growth on campus.  He said that the University fosters quality in its academic programs and has had to deal with situations related to the climate that its leaders create for students.  He said that that one of the most important characteristics making up an organization is in how we treat one another, from the most to the least important.

Moeser said that UNC-Chapel Hill as an institution is formed by the people who are here, and these issues were those that the University felt the most concern in focusing its attention on this question.

Moeser said that he would be glad to respond to questions on this subject, and noted that as a University people here must keep in mind the development of students as human beings, in their educational and personal growth.  He said that every person here has a role to play in this specific mission of the University.  Individually, ultimately, our actions transform society and the world around us.  No matter our job, we can play a part in building up other people, specifically the students in our charge.  The way we treat each other represents the values of the University..

Concerning the budget, Moeser said that legislative negotiations have begun in earnest.  He said that due to the poor economy, the Governor had proposed to cut the University budget by 5.2%, or $20 million, with most of this coming as a permanent reduction.  Moeser said that the University would press the State to allow the University Priorities and Budget Advisory committee, (UPBAC), the Vice Chancellor for Finance and major unit heads discretion over how to make these cuts.

On the positive side, the University would receive additional funds to support enrollment growth and financial aid in the Governor’s budget, and State Employees would receive a 1.6% raise.  However, the State is in the early stages of its budgetary process, and much remains for the House and Senate to do to finalize this work.  Moeser said that the University would work hard in this process to minimize cuts to the University and maintain flexibility.  He said that the University would continue to fight for additional money for staff and faculty salaries.

Moeser noted that the Governor’s budget is predicated on the continuation of the half-cent sales tax which is set to expire soon.  If the tax does expire, the UNC System would face an additional $56 million cut, on top of the $20 million the Governor already plans to cut.  He said that if the tax expires, the University would face cuts exponentially larger than those the Governor has proposed.

Moeser noted that the University normally does not take a position with regard to revenue issues.  However, President Broad has said that the University dares not be silent in this matter, as the entire foundation of the University System is at risk.  He urged Employees to make their voices heard on this question.

With regard to development of the five year financial plan, Moeser said that the University’s finance committee had entered its first conversations last week.  He said that an important part of the process will tie the financial plan to the academic plan..  He said that Provost Robert Shelton would lead the process, which would establish in general overall institutional priorities for the University.  The academic plan would identify academic priorities and the financial plan would identify revenues and sources of funds to support these priorities.  Moeser said that the two concepts are interrelated and represented a large part of the cohesive planning process of the University.

Moeser welcomed the return of spring to Polk Place, which still retains its beauty in spite of ongoing construction of the science complex nearby.  He said that bulldozers, fences, noise, construction and dust have become part of life in all parts of campus, including South Building.  He said that South Building’s asbestos abatement and elevator installation had become a kind of giant root canal for workers in that building, and he imagined that other works have had similar kinds of experiences.

On the other hand, Moeser said that many construction projects are reaching completion now, evidence of the dynamism of the campus master plan’s work.  He noted that the House Undergraduate library, the bioinformatics building, Murphey Hall and several residence halls have recently reached completion.  Murphey Hall will host a formal reopening ceremony on April 10 at 3:30 p.m.  Moeser invited listeners to visit these several wonderful examples of renovation and new construction that represent the end product of current displacement and destruction.  He asked Employees to have patience and understanding when faced with construction obstruction, as these projects truly are for the future betterment of the University.

Tom Arnel asked if Moeser could comment on the origin of money devoted to the buy-out of Matt Doherty’s contract, whether from State sources or the Educational Foundation.  Moeser said that these funds come from non-State revenues such as ticket sales and are entirely self-generated.  He said that it was incorrect to call this settlement a buy-out, as Doherty is owed by contract a year’s base salary and an additional $150,000 from income lost due to not hosting summer camps and so on.  All of this money will come from non-State funds.  Moeser said that if the University had dismissed Doherty outright, it would owe him three years base salary under his contract.

The Chair welcomed McFarland, Poarch and Stout to speak on University adverse weather procedures.  Poarch said that making decisions on the University’s adverse weather status presents a difficult task, given the University’s needs and the problems in serving students under these conditions.  Poarch said that every time the University faces an adverse weather situation, he and Grounds Director Kirk Pelland consult weather satellite reports and the internet to monitor predicted weather conditions the night before.  All decisions about the University’s status go through University administration, with the Chancellor or Provost having final say as to whether to keep the University open or declare it closed.

Poarch noted that at the January weather event, Chapel Hill Transit buses had left some Employees stranded at bus stops leading to park and ride lots, and Public Safety resolved that such a crisis would not occur again.  Public Safety communicated its feelings in a meeting with Chapel Hill Transit, and resolved that Chapel Hill Transit would communicate its ability to operate its buses directly to Poarch by no later than 5 a.m. each morning.

Once Public Safety receives this report, it makes a decision concerning the University’s parking rules for the day.  This report does not affect the University’s decision whether to open or close, however.  Poarch said that if the University is operating on a weather-induced delay or under an adverse weather status, all parking places are generally open to Employees who can make the trip to campus without penalty, with the exception of the Dogwood deck next to UNC Hospitals which must accommodate patients.

However, if Chapel Hill Transit is running a regular schedule, the University will maintain its regular parking ordinances.  If only some routes are running, it will open up parking at the S11 and Bowles lots.

Poarch said that the University would make its decision at 5 a.m. regardless of the communication link.  If he is unable to communicate with Chapel Hill  Transit at 5 a.m., he would make the call to open all the parking gates to let folks park for free.  He did not want to have Employees waiting in parking lots for buses that are not coming.

Poarch said that once the decision about the University’s parking status is made, he would communicate with Mike McFarland and the University communications staff to insure that external communications go out, and would communicate with Cheryl Stout to insure that the parking gates are open and that the correct information is placed on the University’s weather hotline (843-1234).  He said that these two communication mechanisms should reach people worried about adverse weather.

McFarland said that he works closely with Poarch to make decisions about weather operations and communication of these decisions. University Communications works to inform Employees via many different channels.  First of all, McFarland noted that the weather hotline number had changed in the past year, as part of the process of fine-tuning these emergency procedures.  Secondly, he noted that Employees can tune to 1610 AM, the University’s low frequency radio station for a looped message about adverse weather status.  Third, the University’s adverse weather status, condition 1, 2, or 3, is posted on the main University web page.  Finally, the University’s public access channel will broadcast a message.  When appropriate, University Communications will use other electronic communications such as targeted e-mails, although McFarland granted that the University faces difficulties in communicating with its Employees in the wee hours of the morning.

University Communications also targets external and campus news media, since many Employees do not live in Chapel Hill or Orange County.  McFarland praised the reemergence of WCHL (1360 AM ) during the recent ice storms, noting that the radio station had helped the University to communicate information about the open shelter and showers and Woollen Gym to the local community.

McFarland said that adverse weather procedures typically focus on television and radio stations to communicate messages, in the Triangle and the Triad (Greensboro-High Point-Winston-Salem) areas.  He said that there are around thirty media outlets to contact about operational status changes, reaching areas from the Triad to the Virginia line to Down East.  These different stations all have different policies about how they report weather advisories, with some only reporting closings, others reporting closings and delays, and others not reporting on openings.  All requests face competition for the limited space in the “crawl line” in each telecast or broadcast.

McFarland said that his office is always looking to improve its communications strategies and would appreciate any suggestions.

An Employee asked Poarch whether the University directory might print one page containing weather hotline numbers, web addresses, and other communication information about adverse weather.  Poarch said that he would ask the people who print the directory about hosting such a page in the next edition of the phone book.

Chuck Brink confirmed that adverse information is available from 843-1234 and Chapel Hill Cable Channel 4.

Katherine Graves commented that she faces difficulties getting information about the University’s status in Alamance County.  She suggested that University Communications work more closely with local Channels 2 and 12.  McFarland noted that these stations are not obligated to use the University’s information, although he takes every pain to convince them to do so given the number of Employees who live in the contact area.

Stephanie Lombardo suggested that the adverse weather hotline give additional, specific information about which parking lots are cleared, or install webcams that Employees can consult before heading out in difficult weather.  Poarch said that Public Safety is examining adding parking details on its website.  He said that the adverse weather number has two prompts which could transmit additional information.  He noted that Grounds and the Health Care System hold priority in determining the use of particular parking lots.  Also, Grounds is often clearing a particular lot when officials are making their decisions.

McFarland said that adding an explanation of a particular day’s adverse weather decision could be a good thing to put on the Public Safety website and also the Human Resources website.

Jim Curtis asked about Chapel Hill Transit deciding to close in the middle of the day, instead of first thing in the morning.  This situation stranded commuters this winter.  Poarch said that Public Safety tries to monitor the situation with the transit system, and he had met with Chapel Hill Transit officials to discuss this problem in February.

Poarch said that Chapel Hill Transit should communicate their decision to cease services at least six hours in advance, in order to give park and ride commuters time to make arrangements to leave work and come home.  He said that Chapel Hill Transit needs to let commuters know about possible suspension of service far enough in advance.

Additionally, Poarch said that bus drivers forcing commuters off the bus before the end of their trip cannot continue.  He said that in defense of Chapel Hill Transit, these decisions were unilateral ones taken without the knowledge of the main office.

Delita Wright asked why the Chapel Hill Transit service quit running while the TTA bus service continued.  She noted that a large number of Employees ride to work via the bus rather than drive now, given the free bus service.  She praised these increased efficiencies, but noted the potential burden on Employees who cannot get to work without a running bus system.

Poarch said that the University can dictate when Employees come to work, and can to some degree work with Chapel Hill Transit since it represents a large part of the transit service’s customer base.  He said that the University administration had engaged in constructive discussions with the Town, and the Town has pledged to do all it can to notify the University about changes in operations.  He noted that there is now a link to Chapel Hill Transit on the Public Safety website.

Poarch moved on to a discussion of the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Transportation (ACT).  He said that as a result of last year’s discussions, the University created ACT out of the remnants of the old Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee (TPAC).  Poarch praised Forum Chair Tommy Griffin’s outstanding service on ACT at every stage in the process.  He worked to keep Employee interests at the top of the list in ACT’s discussions, while thinking globally about the best possible decisions for the University’s future.  Poarch praised Griffin’s representation of University Employees and the Employee Forum.

Poarch noted that ACT had made several recommendations for campus access improvements, most notably at the Manning and Fordham, South and Country Club, South and Columbia and Mason Farm and Columbia intersections.  These improvements will address pedestrian/car interaction at these potentially dangerous intersections.

ACT also recommended that parking decks replace surface parking in the current campus development plan,  at Manning Drive, Jackson Circle near the Health Affairs area; creation of a surface lot near Cobb dormitory; and construction of parking decks near Ramshead, Venable, McCauley, the proposed Arts Common, and Ambulatory Care, among others.  Funding for these decks is receipt supported similar to athletics funding, meaning that the budget is based on revenue that comes in for the projects.  In all, the plan will authorize approximately $108 million for new parking decks, funded over time.

ACT recommended extension of pay operation hours at the Swain and Morehead lots into the evening.  Commuters now will be able to park in these lots during weekends at a cost of $1/hour, or 75 cents an hour with a UNC One Card.  This change will raise $300,000 a year for the University parking deck fund which had previously been ignored.

Faculty and staff who work during the evenings will be able to park exclusively in the Caldwell and Steele lots, which will be exclusively reserved for those with work assignments.  Those with daytime permits will also be able to park there with no additional charge upon receipt of a credential from Public Safety.

Poarch noted that media reports have been a bit confusing with regard to use of the Swain and Morehead lots.  He said that those with parking permits for these lots will park as before.

ACT made a number of recommendations based on a survey of mass transit use.  He said that Chapel Hill Transit needs to know the University’s plans for development to develop its operations.  He said that the development plan has build in plans for additional park and ride lots at traffic arteries such as Highway 15-501 North and South to Pittsboro.  Chapel Hill Transit had changed the times and route coverage of the U and RU routes to cut costs and increase service to the University.  The committee also made recommendations with regard to the placement of route information at bus stops and creation of additional incentives for the Commuter Alternative Program (CAPS).

Finally, the University is in negotiations for provision of a Zipcar service for members who would pay a membership fee and an additional charge to use a rental car on a periodic basis around campus.  As envisioned, members would pay around $35 for membership in the Zipcar program.

Poarch noted that the permit pricing system had seen a series of sliding scale increases, designed to find money for the $108 million in parking decks planned over the following years.  He said that the committee had considered how to address this debt load over the next five years, and typically would have raised permit prices 10% a year for those five years.

However, ACT decided to recommend a sliding scale permit system based on calculation of base salary for Employees as of April 1.  Gauging Employees’ salaries as of April 1 would protect Employees from salary-related permit increases caused by provision of State funded salary increases.  The 64% of all Employees who earn less than $50,000 a year will see  a 5% increase in permit prices over the next five years.  Employees earning between $50,000-100,000 a year will see their permit prices rise 10% a year for five years.  Those earning more than $100,000 a year will see a 20% permit increase each year.  Poarch praised Faculty chair Sue Estroff and Griffin for their leadership in implementing this non-traditional approach to pricing permits.

Poarch said that he considered this fee schedule a worst case scenario, and said that Public Safety would look to lower these percentages if possible.  He said that the Board of Trustees would rule on these recommendations at its next meeting.

McFarland said that target dates for new construction are located on the Public Safety and Facilities Services websites.  He said that all of these projects will impact campus in one way or another.

Chuck Brink asked about the number of civilian cars with vendor stickers taking up service parking spaces that maintenance trucks need.  He and other Facilities Services Employees have had to tote their equipment a long way because private vendors are using these spaces.  Poarch said that Public Safety had had several discussions with Jim Mergener about the number of service spaces near buildings.  He said that during the current period of construction Public Safety would do all it can to accommodate the number of maintenance vehicles on campus.

Mack Rich said that maintenance vehicles will receive parking tickets if they park in illegal spaces, but he had not seen vendors ticketed when parking in similar spaces.  Rich said that maintenance workers must pay these tickets themselves.  Poarch said that maintenance workers who see vendors parking illegally should contact the traffic information line to summon a parking control officer.  He also noted that vendors face handicapped access issues when parking on sidewalks.

Roy Caudle asked if Poarch foresaw the number of parking permits decreasing with the increased use of the free park and ride service to the point at which Public Safety would face a decline in permit revenue.  Poarch said that the only thing that would change would be if the economy continues its decline and the cost of borrowing skyrockets.

The Chair thanked Poarch, McFarland and Stout for their remarks.  He said that he would continue to serve on this committee for the future.  He had also asked that as the University pays down the debt on the decks, parking permit fees decrease proportionately.

The Chair invited student Sindhura Citineni to speak on campus hunger lunches.  Citineni thanked Tom Arnel for inviting her to speak on this topic.  She noted that the University allows the growth and development of students and their interaction and involvement in a wide range of University activities.  She noted that the Campus Hunger lunch will take place four times through March and April.  Diners will pay $3 for an all you can eat meal of beans, rice and cornbread.  One hundred percent of the profits are devoted to three nutritional projects in South India, at which orphan children work in hazardous conditions.  The projects will work to provide chicken and milk to these children as well as build vegetable gardens and other good works.  She asked all UNC community members to attend the lunches, the last of which occurred April 26,  Interested Employees can also subscribe to an e-mail list notifying them of future hunger lunches.

The Chair introduced Susan Criscenzo a counselor with the Employee Assistance program.  She had presented two other times to the Forum during her seven years at the University.  She noted that her office phone number is 929-2362 and she is physically located off of campus, at 15-501 and Sage Road, to give Employees a chance to see her in private.  All conferences with the Employee Assistance Program are confidential.

The Program conducts assessment and referral for Employees on personal and work-related issues, and helps these Employees find resources to deal with their problems when necessary.  Criscenzo represents a person with whom Employees can speak when desiring an objective opinion about these problems.

Criscenzo said that her office also helps to debrief and assist departmental units dealing with trauma or grief issues, such as when a fellow Employee dies from natural causes or suicide.  She will come out to that department to begin discussions and start the grieving process.  Criscenzo has also been active in responding to the war.  She noted that the baseline of stress for most people has notched up several categories since the war has begun, as most people have strong feelings about the war and many have family members or friends deployed abroad in the military.

Criscenzo has invited anyone interested meet with her in a discussion group at the Human Resources conference room on Airport Road to discuss difficulties associated with the war.  Seven people came to that discussion group and many others expressed appreciation for the chance to confer or to receive support.  She said that Employees with similar concerns should feel free to contact her office for a consultation.  She thanked the University and the UNC Health Care System for finding the money to support her office during recent budgetary cuts.

Human Resources Update

The Chair introduced Laurie Charest to provide the Forum’s customary Human Resources update.  Charest recalled that at the Forum’s last meeting she had discussed Human Resources’ transition to a system of generalists.  She introduced Claire Miller, the acting director of Human Resources services, to further explain this transition.  She also noted that Linc Butler was one of the three main generalists listed in last month’s minutes, along with Gina Carter and Connie Boyce.

Miller said that she was pleased to have the chance to speak about the generalist system in more detail.  She noted that these changes have evolved over the past two and a half years and she hoped that they would have positive ramifications for Employees on campus.

Miller said that the generalist system had grown out of Laurie Charest’s vision about how Human Resources could operate in a more efficient and logical manner.  She said that the generalist model was known for providing excellent customer service in commonly known best practices.

Previously, Human Resources on campus was organized around specialities and the department hired personnel with very specialized skills.  As a result, at times services provided to Employees have been disjointed.  For example when an employment specialist offering a position to a prospective Employee was asked about the University’s benefits packages, that person might provide an incomplete answer or simply hand the question off to the benefits department.  This type of situation might lead an Employee to need to talk with many various groups of people in Human Resources to get help with services or options.  Accordingly, Human Resources began to explore the generalist model of call centers to provide improved customer service.

Miller hoped that this system would be faster and more comprehensive.  The idea began in conversations with Human Resources coordinators, asking how the department could recreate itself.  At the beginning, discussants did not know what tasks to assign, how many generalists would be required, or how to coordinate services with the Office of Human Resources or with HR facilitators.

Miller said that the work evolved into a labor of love, in which individuals and team members joined together in setting a goal of establishing a generalist model on campus by April 2003.

An Employee might ask how the change to the generalist system would affect them.  As opposed to the specialist model, generalists have a broad background and require a great deal of training across several areas of Human Resources.  The position has a customer service focus and requires great commitment to team work and continuing education in the four major areas of Human Resources responsibility at UNC-Chapel Hill:  benefits, classification, employee relations and employment.  Miller said that the Human Resources website would have information on which generalists are assigned to which departments and also the University Gazette would publish an article on the generalist system.

An Employee asked if generalists would have specific documentation on the various features of Human Resources when they receive questions.  Miller said that some questions have been lost in the transition to the generalist system.  She said that Human Resources is working to establish a tracking system so that staffers can follow up on each others’ work.  She said that Human Resources might establish either a remedy ticket or tracking system, and she invited Employees to chime in with their ideas.  She said also that Human Resources staffers with background in a particular area might follow up behind other generalists working on a problem in their area.

Katherine Graves said that she had asked for an e-mail confirmation of a discussion from a generalist.  Miller said that the generalists were discussing sending these confirmation e-mails out.  Another Employee said that these confirmations should be automatic, much like the ATN system for dealing with technology problems.  Miller said that she would discuss the idea further with Graves after the meeting.

Approval of Minutes

The Chair asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the April 2 meeting.  It was noted that Jimmie Hart and Pam Siler were incorrectly listed as absent from that meeting.  It was also noted that Gina Carter is one of the three Human Resources generalists that Charest mentioned during her report.

Given these changes, the minutes were approved as amended.

Old Business

The Chair noted that resolution 03-01 concerning adverse weather was up for second reading.  Delita Wright said that the Personnel Issues committee had discussed the issue at its meeting.  She said that the committee did not think that the resolution detracted from the Office of State Personnel proposal.  The Chair said that the resolution was meant to add to the discussion.

Dixie Bloom offered a friendly amendment to the first bullet of the resolution stating “In the event of severe (potentially catastrophic) weather conditions, the Chancellor of each UNC constituent institution has the authority to close the University, to include university operations and classes, in order to equally protect the safety of faculty, staff and students.”  Graves seconded this motion and the friendly amendment was accepted.

The Chair called for a motion to approve the resolution on second reading.  Tom Arnel made this motion seconded by Tom Rhyne.  The resolution was approved by acclamation.

New Business

The Chair then read resolution 03-02 on Forum support for a part-time degree program.  He noted that Ray Doyle and the Career Development committee had been instrumental in creation of this resolution.

Katherine Graves asked if the resolution would mean that the University would offer more than one free class per semester.  Doyle said that the committee merely meant to support creation of a part-time degree program at UNC-Chapel Hill, not to change existing benefits such as the tuition waiver.  He said that the current continuing education program makes it difficult for Employees to move into the University’s degree program.  Delita Wright commented that it was common for many universities and colleges to have such programs, and she thought that UNC-Chapel Hill was behind other institutions in this respect.

Chuck Brink asked if the resolution would address individual supervisors’ say over whether their Employees can take classes not related to their job.  The Chair said that the resolution only supported creation of a degree program.  Doyle said that passage of the resolution would add one more positive vote for eventual creation of the program to the sum of public opinion weighing on decision-makers.

The Chair said that too few staff use the educational programs already available on campus.  He supported the committee and the resolution.

Stephanie Lombardo made a friendly amendment that the resolution eliminate the phrase “that would be available to all employees and that the part-time adult undergraduate degree program be a part of and work in concert with the currently existing employee benefit package” in order to avoid possible confusion.  Wright seconded this motion, and the friendly amendment was accepted.

The Forum then moved to suspend its rules and hear the resolution on second reading.  There was no opposition to this motion.  The Forum then approved the resolution on second reading, and would send on the resolution to the Chancellor and his designees.

Committee Reports

Stephanie Lombardo noted that the Career Development committee would meet again April 10 from 2-3 p.m. in the Employee Forum office.  She said that the committee was open to others’ ideas and suggestions.  She also noted that training and development program guides would be published in the University Gazette in May and October of this year.

Matt Banks noted that the Communications committee had only two active members at present.  Ray Doyle and Brian White volunteered to serve on the committee.

An Employee said that the Employee Presentations committee’s work is on schedule.

Katherine Graves, chair of the Nominating committee, said that group is working to reach University departments that typically do not have as much representation at Forum events.

Matt Banks noted that Meredith Clason, chair of the Orientation committee, had had her baby in March.  The committee will continue its work soon.

Tom Rhyne, co-chair of the Personnel Issues committee, said that the committee had finalized a letter inviting Nancy Suttenfield and Laurie Charest to further discussions.  The committee would discuss the letter further with the Executive Committee.  Delita Wright, the committee’s other co-chair, said that the committee welcomed help from the Executive Committee in dealing with the multiplicity of issues before it.

Wright said that the committee wished to thank Mary Ann Vacheron for her two years service as committee chair, as well as Frank Bernel and other long-standing committee members.  She recalled that the committee had constructed a top ten priority list of issues, and had selected three of the most important from that list.  This year, the committee will divide itself into three subcommittees, dealing with benefits, equity and retention, and transit issues respectively.  The subcommittees will meet the same day as the monthly committee meeting.

Shirley Hart, co-chair of the Recognition & Awards committee, said that group would meet Monday, April 7 at the Forum Office.

Chair’s Report

The Chair announced tentatively that the Forum would host a half-day retreat at the Toy Lounge in Dey Hall Friday June 6.  He would have more details at the next meeting.  He recalled that the Forum had not held its annual retreat due to two different spells off adverse weather.

The Chair recognized 2001 Forum Chair John Heuer.

The Chair recalled meeting with Chancellor James Moeser and Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Laurie Charest this month on varying issues.  He said that these meetings continue to produce good things for the University and the Forum.

The Chair said that he had participated in meetings addressing the future of the Carolina North project, which is moving ahead slowly but surely.  The earliest date that the University would move into this area (previously known as the Horace Williams tract) is 2005, given how long the airport remains open.

The Chair said that he had corresponded recently with Tim Burnette, head of the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees.  He would have more to report at a future meeting.

The Chair had attended Advisory Committee on Transportation meetings (ACT) this month.  He said that the committee would continue to work on details of a five year transit plan for campus.  He had also met with the public service awards selection committee and the University Priorities and Budget Advisory Committee (UPBAC).  This latter committee would have many difficult decisions given the outlook for campus budget cuts.

The Chair said that he had written the Chancellor on his own initiative asking for a place on campus at which community members could have a moment of silence during the nation’s crisis in Iraq, at the urging of Delita Wright.  He thought that this idea was a very good one given the connections that people feel to the military.

The Chair urged Employees to write to the Governor and the Legislature to urge them to allow the University to keep its overhead receipts, and to extend the sunset provision on the half-cent sales tax.  He said that now is not the time to have more Employee layoffs.

The Chair thanked Delegates for their hard work on behalf of the University and its Employees.

John Heuer asked the Forum’s indulgence for a couple of announcements.  First of all, he noted the opening of the new bilingual nature trail at the Rainbow soccer fields April 4.

Secondly, he noted that there would be an opportunity to discuss the war at the Skylight Exchange Wednesday, April 9 from 7-10 p.m.  He averred that the U.S. should cease and desist its war as it had achieved its chief objective of restoring humanitarian aid to Iraq.  He said that Saddam Hussein was crippled in his ability to govern if he is alive.  He thought that the U.S. should provide sufficient aid to the Iraqi people to allow them to build a nation of their own choosing, and should trust the collective wisdom of the Iraqis to search for leaders trustworthy and wise.

Heuer said that the U.S. should consolidate its own lines of supply and work to bring humanitarian aid rather than a fight for Baghdad.  He urged the U.S. to stop the fighting before more of its soldiers are wounded in body or mind.

The Chair asked listeners to consider Heuer’s words.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:36 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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