University of North Carolina
Employee Forum |
Personnel Issues Committee
Committee Chair: James Holman
Report Prepared by: Y. S. Dunlap
Last Meeting Date:
February 25, 2014 |
Delegates in Attendance: Yvonne Dunlap; Shelby Long; Arlene Medder; James Holman; Amanda Chang
Guests: Gina Carter, Noreen Montgomery |
Next Meeting Date: March 25, 2014, 134 E. Franklin Street, Room 207
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Review of Minutes from 01-28-2014
No recommendations for change or modification made to the minutes from January 28, 2013. Minutes were received as submitted.
Key Points
Updates and Comments from the chair of the Personnel Issues Committee
James Holman and David Fraley were guests on the Carolina Connection, on Saturday, February 22, 2014 hosted by Jess Clark. This is a Student radio program from the University of North Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communication It was done in connection with the Governor’s plans to increase the starting salaries of North Carolina’s teachers. The show was focused on other state employees, including UNC staff members wondering if they are going to see raises also. The program can be heard by going to the following link:
Noreen Montgomery
Ms. Montgomery was invited back to the Personnel Issues Committee at the request of some members to continue the conversation that she started during the Employee Forum meeting during our last monthly meeting. She spent her time explaining the process or change in the status of new and incoming employees impacted by the change in career status within the State system. This change is intended to modernize the State HR System and better align the process throughout the entire UNC system for career status. It does not apply to faculty, or EPA, employees. It applies to those staff members under the State Personnel Act (SPA). Under House Bill 835, effective 8/21/2014, the UNC Probationary Period has been extended from 30, 60, 90 days to 24 months. All employees hired 8/26/2014 through 11/11/2014 were told on 11/18/2014, that they were no longer under the 90 probationary periods. During this new and extended period, new employees will still be able to receive health insurance, leave, retirement, state service credit, tuition assistance. After their first 30 days, a work plan will still be required and you would still be eligible for salary adjustment. Employee Competency Assessment (ECA) is still due at 90 days. At the end of 24 months, staff members are then considered career status employee – an employee who has been in a permanent position and has been continuously employed for two years. However, if there is a break in the 24 month period, one would need to start the process again and work continuously for two years to reach career status.
Ms. Montgomery made clear her concerns on the ability of our system to recruit and retain the best employees. Gina Carter joined her during this meeting, and gave an example of how this Bill impacted her ability to be able to bring an employee on board due to this new process.
There are really no other changes other than the grievance policy, which is important to the UNC system. We will go on record by resolution in the very near future against the 24 Month Probationary Period (Employee At Will – 24 Months vs. 90 days) and the negative implications to the UNC system associated with this Bill.
Legislative Issues
No report from this committee. Amanda Change has assumed the lead for this sub-committee
Staff Relations
The issue brought forth in regard to Chapel Hill Transit Authority and his policies due to inclement weather will be discussed during the Provost Meeting.
The Human Resource Committee of the Staff Assembly is in preparation of drafting a resolution for the University President in favor of a pay increase. Dan Bammer has written a draft resolution in a prior year that was not submitted and the language from that document will be used with an update based on information forthcoming in February in regard to percentages for increase. The Benefit Update dated February 2013 has been provided and the resolution will move forward with the updated information. We hope to have Dan join us during the PIC Meeting in March.
Other Business before the Committee
By agreement of those present, the following changes have been made in the Personnel Issues Committee:
Yvonne Dunlap, Chairperson
Amanda Change, Co-Chairperson
Shelby Long, Secretary
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:55 pm.
Meeting minutes captured by: