January 16, 2024 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Attending: David Bragg, Shane Brogan, Shavon Carey-Hicks, Tiffany Carver, Leslie Heal, Leah Hefner, Keith Hines, James Holman, Rebecca Howell, Brigitte Ironside, Stacy Keast, Sara Kelley, Haydée Marchese, Arlene Medder, Katie Musgrove, Natiaya Neal, Joe Ormond, Laura Pratt, Charlissa Rice, Lori Shamblin, Theresa Silsby, Matthew Teal, Ally Wardell, June Weston, Tracy Wetherby Williams, Jacob Womack
Excused Absences: L. E. Alexander, Gabriela de la Cruz
Chair Katie Musgrove called the meeting to order at 11:31 a.m. She called for a motion to approve the December minutes. Brigitte Ironside made this motion, seconded by Charlissa Rice. The motion was approved by acclamation.
The Chair provided the committee with the monthly budget update for the Forum. She asked if the Community Service committee planned to spend its $500 dedicated to a spring social event, noting that the Blood Drive needed funds for its summer work. Ally Wardell and Theresa Silsby said that the committee did not currently have plans to spend this money, so they would be fine with moving this money to support the Blood Drive. The Chair asked Wardell and Silsby to let her know if the committee needs this money moving forward this fiscal year, as the Forum could work to find funds from elsewhere in the budget.
The Chair additionally asked if the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee had any plans to spend its spring programming money, as the Book Club had indicated a need for funds for a March event. Rebecca Howell thought that the committee planned to use around half of the allocated $500. The Chair said that the Book Club plans to pay for an author honorarium and meals for attendees. Again, she offered to work to find money elsewhere if the DEI committee has different plans.
The Chair appreciated the willingness of Forum committee chairs to provide flexibility to meet ongoing needs. She asked if committee chairs have any other unexpected needs through the end of the fiscal year. There were no outstanding issues in this area.
The Chair asked if representatives of the Forum Timeline Project on SharePoint would be able to report. There was no report made at this time.
The Chair asked for feedback on community meeting planning. Members discussed the possible topics for the meeting, including the change in State Health Plan administrators and the legislation removing UNC Health and ECU Health employees from the TSERS retirement system. The Chair hoped to hold a meeting in late March or early April. She asked if the committee wished for the community meeting to take place at the same time as a monthly Forum meeting, to provide continuity. She recalled that the last such meeting occurred in 2022.
Tiffany Carver was open to holding a meeting with the Membership & Assignments committee to discuss these possibilities in more detail. The Chair hoped to arrive at a plan for the meeting relatively quickly, say by the February 20th Executive committee meeting.
Sharron Bouquin proposed perhaps requesting feedback on EHRA and associated leave and appointment provisions from Human Resources officials. The Chair said at this point, these issues are in the hands of UNC System Office and other state-level officials. She thought that this invitation would be best requested once guidance on these matters is communicated to campus.
Rebecca Howell noted that some things related to the State Health Plan will not change with the new administrator in 2025. She thought it important that everyone understands the measure of these changes in advance of the meeting. The Chair proposed consulting with the UNC Benefits team and possibly state-level officials to make a presentation about myths and rumors associated with the State Health Plan. She worried that this discussion might be premature given the timing of changes at the beginning of 2025.
The Chair asked Matt Banks to poll delegates on their willingness to help with community meeting planning. She then moved to the sad news that Tracy Wetherby Williams will soon leave the university. Thus, the Forum will need to find a new Treasurer as of February. The Chair noted her ultimate power of appointment for this position, but she sought committee members’ thoughts on this question. Keith Hines confirmed that the Chair has the power of appointment.
The Chair reviewed upcoming speakers and plans for the February Forum meeting, noting in particular plans for Interim Chancellor Roberts, Board of Trustees member Perrin Jones, and Vice Chancellor Nate Knuffman to speak with the Forum. The Chair anticipated hearing from the Director of Transportation and Parking, Cheryl Stout, and the new Director of the Carolina Women’s Center, Shauna Harris, at the March general meeting.
The Chair called for committee reports, beginning with Communications and Public Relations. Joe Ormond said that the committee has another issue of InTouch about to be published. The committee will update the listserv used to contact employees about the newsletter.
It was noted that the Forum Book Club plans to meet virtually Thursday, January 25th. March meeting plans are yet to be determined.
Ally Wardell said that the Community Service Committee will begin planning its March Kindness drive soon. The Chair noted that the Carolina Blood Drive will hold a meeting soon to debrief the December drive and plan for the May drive. Arlene Medder said that the Carolina Community Garden hopes to meet soon. The Garden is always in need of volunteers.
Rebecca Howell reported that the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee has begun work on a resolution honoring an employee. She hoped to bring this resolution forward soon, perhaps for a final presentation at the Forum’s June general meeting. Jacob Womack said that resolutions typically go to the Parliamentarian first for checks on language.
Shavon Carey-Hicks said that the Education and Career Development Committee hoped to reschedule its January meeting soon. The Membership and Assignments Committee plans to meet soon to discuss the Forum’s community meeting plans.
Leah Hefner reported that the Personnel Issues Committee would likely participate in the community meeting preparations. Charlissa Rice asked how the Recognition & Awards Committee could follow up on the University Managers’ Association merger discussion. The Chair said that she would soon have final edits done on a draft proposal for consideration by the Recognition & Awards and Education and Career Development committees.
The Chair said that the next UNC System Staff Assembly meeting will be held in March at the UNC System Office’s new location in Raleigh. She thanked Charlissa Rice and Arlene Medder for taking the lead on a proposal to return the Chancellors’ Cup golf tournament to Finley Golf Club here in Chapel Hill.
Regarding university committees, Matthew Teal said that the Policy Review Committee has two items for discussion in January, related to faculty workload policy and the Auditing Risk Management presentation to the Board of Trustees. In addition, the university has hired an outside organization to work with Emergency Management on the after-action review related to the August campus shooting. The Chair recalled that the Forum has been asked to participate in this effort, which will likely begin Thursday. There were no other university committee updates.
The Chair asked for “kudos” or reports on campus events from delegates. Arlene Medder noted the very nasty respiratory ailment going around. David Bragg added that UNC Hospitals are at full capacity.
Jacob Womack led the Executive Committee in its initial consideration of proposed Bylaws changes produced by the Rules committee. He noted the need for a rule to prevent the Chair or another party from bypassing the elections process to name themselves a delegate.
Changes would also address the appointment of delegates in divisions having full representation. Womack noted questions regarding whether the Forum wishes to repeal or modify the three-term limit for elected and appointed delegates.
The Chair asked if Matt Banks had any insight as to why the Parliamentarian position has a separate election process than other Forum officer positions. Banks thought that the Parliamentarian needs room to make recommendations contrary to the will of the Chair or the Executive Committee. The separate installation process provides that person with a separate source of legitimacy.
The Chair noted the move to implement a Chair-Elect position modeling the officer formats of both the UNC Chapel Hill Faculty Council & UNC System Staff Assembly. She said implementation of this proposal would remove the stress of finding a replacement from the current Chair and would improve the process of succession.
Womack noted a concern as to whether UNC System Staff Assembly delegate positions should last three years or some other length of term. The committee discussed whether to dedicate a Staff Assembly delegate seat to the Chair-Elect position.
The Chair summed up that the committee would discuss changes to the Staff Assembly delegate structure and voting structure changes to create a Chair-Elect position. If the committee could create a brief proposal for consideration by the full Forum, the law school group could work on specific language changes to the Forum Bylaws.
Members discussed proposed changes and pledged to work with Womack to produce the brief document detailing those changes. The Chair thanked Womack and the Rules committee for their work on this longstanding task. She hoped that the Forum could perhaps vote for first reading in February and perhaps finish its process in March or April. Womack said that approval of the brief document would not be the same as the approval of the Bylaws revisions, meaning that the process may extend a bit longer.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned by acclamation at 1:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary