Education and Career Development Committee
Friday, July 26, 2013
Tiffany Carver
Jackie Copeland
Lois Douglass-Alston
Maggie Grant
Chrissie Greenberg
Michael Highland
Matt McKirahan
Rosetta Stone/Live Mocha:
Discussion centered on the need to consider cost/benefit ratio if the decision is made to purchase Rosetta Stone. Michael suggested those needing Spanish or an additional language for their job would have the first opportunity to use the program. Currently, Live Mocha, the library’s program, is free to employees.
The group also discussed potential barriers or challenges associated with purchasing Rosetta Stone, including access to computers and internet; assessment of an existing need, etc..
The suggestion was made to partner with the library, potentially offer special sessions tailored to employee language-learning needs with Live Mocha, and use the existing resource in lieu of spending Forum dollars on a program that we are unsure will be utilized.
Another suggestion to create multiple tracks to use the program, i.e. based on functional need to learn a language or desire to learn a language (as a hobby) could be beneficial.
The group agrees an assessment is needed before making a large purchase. An online and/or paper survey could be developed and distributed to employees in various departments.
Michael will contact the library and learn more about their Live Mocha program and whether or not they would be open to the Forum publicizing the program to see if it is a relevant, useful need for employees on campus.
Tuition Waiver:
The group decided we want to continue to advocate regaining the third tuition waiver that was lost in the recent past. The group would like to possibly see a lab added as part of the waiver, when appropriate. Matt will begin to research who the best contacts are to initiate that process.
The discussion turned to ways we could help support employees who want to take courses in the meantime (while we still only have two tuition waivers). There is a need to automate the waiver process as it is cumbersome at present and often prevents employees from registering for classes on time.
Jackie suggested creating a Forum scholarship fund for degree-seeking employees who would benefit from additional financial support for a course. There was also a discussion regarding who would administer and manage the financial aspects of a scholarship. It may be most appropriately managed by the University and not the Employee Forum.
A separate committee could be established for scholarship development, application process, review, etc. The group decided in the long-term, we hope to see a third waiver for all employees, and in the short term, a third waiver for degree-seeking employees (or the financial equivalent from a scholarship) would be ideal. We would also like to see these tuition benefits possibly be extended to family as well.
Off Agenda:
There was a brief discussion regarding the recent chatter on the listserv regarding position compensation, offer restrictions to internal candidates, Market Level , competency and banding rules, OSP rules and the process regarding appealing internal offers to the Board of Governors in order to pay internal candidates appropriately. More research is needed.
Next Steps:
- Rosetta Stone/LiveMocha information: Michael Highland will contact the Library for more information
- Tuition Waiver: Advocacy will be addressed by Michael Highland and Scholarship will be spearheaded by Jackie Copeland
- Computer Loaner Program: Maggie will address this issue at the next meeting as time was short
- Next meeting: Will be 1.5 hours to accommodate agenda items and discussion