UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Forum Agenda
9:15 a.m.
Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library
NOTE: This is a draft agenda and is subject to change without advance notice.
I. Open call for announcements and questions for the end of the meeting
II. Call to Order & Opening Remarks—Chair Charles Streeter (9:15 a.m. – 9:20 a.m.)
- Welcome to Guests & Members of the Press
III. Approval of May, June Minutes (Sharepoint Link, Delegate-Only Access) (9:20 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.)
IV. Human Resources Update—Vice Chancellor for Workforce Strategy, Equity, and Engagement Felicia Washington (9:25 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.)
VI. Old Business (9:45 a.m. – 10:00a.m.)
VI. New Business (10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.)
- Proposed Honorary Resolution
- Date of August 5th Meeting
- Changing the Location of Our Meetings
- Staff Assembly Delegates
VII. Forum Committees (10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.)
- Carolina Blood Drive: Jim Fuller
- Carolina Community Garden Advisory: Arlene Medder
- Communications and Public Relations: Katie Turner
- Education and Career Development: Samara Reynolds
- Recognition & Awards
- Membership & Assignments: Kathy Ramsey
- Personnel Issues: Chrissie Greenberg
- Compensation & Benefits: John Williams
- Legislative Action: Christopher Powe
- Staff Relations, Policies & Practices: Barbara Williams
- UNC System Staff Assembly: Shane Hale/James Holman/Charles Streeter
- Executive Committee: Charles Streeter
VIII. Announcements/Questions (11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)
IX. Adjournment
July 8, 2015 Employee Forum minutes
Attending (those who signed in): Sharon Brinson, Bonita Brown, Ronald Campbell, Clare Counihan, Lois Douglass-Alston, Phillip Edwards, David Fraley, Jim Fuller, Christine Greenberg, Shane Hale, Shayna Hill, Karen Jenkins, Susan Lucas, Ronda Manuel, Matt McKirahan, Arlene Medder, Michael Penny, Shamecia Powers, Krista Prince, Kelli Raker, Samara Reynolds, Nakenge Robertson, Charles Streeter, Ben Triplett, Katie Turner, John Williams
Excused Absences: Jo-Ann Blake, Emily Gomez, Lori Haight, Kirk Montgomery, Jackie Overton, Kathy Ramsey, Anna Schwab
Chair Charles Streeter called the meeting to order at 9:19 a.m. He noted that many delegates were away for summer vacation along with students. The Chair asked delegates to state what they did during the 4th of July holiday.
The Chair noted that the Forum needs delegates from various divisions. He asked delegates to provide input in a letter to campus employees by division describing themselves and possibly including a photograph.
Ronald Campbell noted that Public Safety will conduct a test of emergency procedures on campus. Clare Counihan noted that HAVEN training will take place July 13 and July 31. Those interested can go to safe.unc.edu for more information. The Chair asked delegates about their interest in receiving HAVEN training in a separate session.
The Chair noted that he had asked that the Forum’s draft minutes be restricted to delegates-only until approval, to prevent distribution of incorrect information. Delegates having trouble accessing the minutes through Sharepoint should contact the Chair or Matt Banks. Arlene Medder had three minor edits to the June minutes. She moved that the Forum accept the May minutes as written. Clare Counihan seconded this motion, which accepted by acclamation. Shane Hale moved that the June minutes be accepted with Medder’s corrections, seconded by Sharon Brinson. The minutes were approved with no abstentions.
Senior Director for Training and Talent Development Kathy Bryant noted that Human Resources would soon send out information regarding a legislative restriction on labor- and equity-based SPA salary increases. She said that this shall be a short, 45-day limitation. Ronald Campbell asked about the situation of an employee who has sought to be hired at an executive level but has not received an interview. Senior Director Chris Chiron confirmed that SPA grievance rights go to the respective Human Resources office of Employee and Management Relations first. Katie Turner confirmed that the restriction on salary increases does not apply to competency changes. Bryant said that Turner was correct.
The Chair read proposed resolution 15-03, conferring lifelong honorary delegate status upon former Forum Vice Chair Brenda Denzler. He noted that the resolution was before the Forum on first reading. He hoped that the author of the resolution would be available for the resolution’s second reading discussion in August. Lois Douglass-Alston asked for more information about Denzler. Katie Turner moved that the Forum go into closed session to discuss conferring an honor upon this former employee. Douglass-Alston seconded this motion, which was approved by acclamation. The Chair asked all non-delegates to leave the room for ten minutes for the closed discussion.
Closed Session: Sharon Brinson asked about the criteria for the award. The Chair said that there has not been a set criteria for the award, with each body determining the merits of candidates each year. Kathy Ramsey noted that there have been eleven honorary delegates named by the Forum. The Chair noted that six honorary delegates—Jackie Overton, Paula Schubert, Kay Wijnberg Hovious, Brenda Malone, Holden Thorp, and Karol Kain Grey—have been named in the last three years or so. He said that the Forum is normally limited by its Bylaws to naming only two honorary delegates per calendar year. Katie Turner proposed that the Recognition & Awards committee take up the question of award criteria in the coming year. David Fraley attested that Denzler was very active in Housekeeping issues during her five years on the Forum. Phillip Edwards confirmed that any honorary delegate is allowed to contribute to discussions of the Forum. Honorary delegates need not be lifetime members. Krista Prince asked how Denzler was separated from the University. The Chair recalled that she was let go due to budget cuts in her area. Karen Jenkins suggested that the Forum establish a set period of time in which consideration take place. The Chair noted that the point of the previous selections has been that the process has been open for interpretation. Matt McKirahan thought that the Forum needs to pass a Bylaws change to update its criteria and other considerations for the award. He said that one way to accomplish this would be to table the resolution until the Forum had approved such a Bylaws change. Katie Turner moved that the Forum return to open session, seconded by Shayna Hill. The motion was approved by acclamation.
The Chair asked delegates their opinion on when to hold the August meeting. He noted that he and Vice Chair Kirk Montgomery will be in Asheville for a UNC System Staff Assembly meeting. It was suggested that the Forum move its meeting up a week to August 12th, but delegates noted the rush of activity associated with the beginning of the fall semester. A delegate suggested moving the meeting from Wednesday, August 5th to Thursday, August 6th.
Clare Counihan asked if the Forum would have enough business to meet. Matt McKirahan noted Bylaws considerations in simply cancelling a monthly meeting. Phillip Edwards noted that the Executive Committee is charged to recommend schedule changes IN THE EVENT OF A UNIVERSITY HOLIDAY, notifying delegates via e-mail of this change. McKirahan asked if the Forum should default to holding its meetings if they do not fall on a University holiday. The Chair asked for a vote on whether to meet on August 5th or August 6th. Thursday, August 6th won the vote.
The Chair noted that the Executive Committee had decided that the Forum should investigate moving its monthly meetings to the Stone Center, to avoid table moving charges associated with holding the meetings in the Wilson Library’s Pleasants Family Assembly room. It was confirmed that the Forum had met in the Pleasants Family Assembly room for over twenty years. The Chair said that he would miss the room, but noted that the Executive Committee wanted to save the approximately $100/meeting involved in setting up and taking down the tables. He said that the Forum would be able to use the Hitchcock Room in the Stone Center for no cost given that building occupants Clare Counihan and Barbara Williams are Forum delegates. Krista Prince wanted to be sure that Moving Crew employees would not be hurt by this move to reduce this expense. Kelli Raker noted that parking and service spots are more available near the Stone Center. She suggested that the Forum notify the University community once it decides to make this a permanent change.
The Chair outlined the responsibilities of UNC Staff Assembly delegates, noting that the Forum will need to elect a two-year delegate and an alternate by September. He asked delegates to read the e-mail he had sent on this work describing the time commitments involved in the position. The Chair noted that Staff Assembly work-time hours are totaled differently than Forum work-time hours.
The Chair confirmed that Forum committees had not met in the month of June since the June 10th retreat. He asked committees to meet for fifteen minutes then report back.
Jim Fuller reported that the Carolina Blood Drive group will meet in September, October, and November to prepare for the December drive. He was working to find out more about the duties of his position as chair of the drive.
Arlene Medder noted that Jo-Ann Blake, Lois Douglass-Alston, and Shayna Hill have joined her on the Carolina Campus Community Garden committee. She noted that there have been changes to the design of the Garden greenhouse. The Garden was active in Facilities Services’ Summer Splash celebration through its cooking demonstration, which received a positive response. The Garden is investigating creating edible landscaping on campus. The committee will next meeting July 29th.
Samara Reynolds said that the Education and Career Development committee will meet July 20th at 1:30 p.m. in Alumni Hall. The committee has formed five subcommittees to work on various concerns.
Karen Jenkins said that the Membership and Assignments committee will work to recruit new members soon.
Katie Turner reported that the Communications and Public Relations committee had published its most recent InTouch issue on June 25th. The committee will host a book discussion on Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson on July 30th, and will feature Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in August. The staff of Worldview will lead discussion of that book while the Forum provides lunch courtesy of the Staff Development fund. The committee is also working to obtain prize commitments for the annual scavenger hunt, which will take place in coordination with Employee Appreciation Day October 16th. Delegates reported having a great time with the scavenger hunt last year.
Chrissie Greenberg reported that the Personnel Issues committee will meet the third Friday of each month from 1-2:30 p.m. in the FedEx Global Building. She welcomed all to attend.
The Chair noted that the UNC System Staff Assembly will meet August 4th and 5th in Asheville. He noted that Susan Colby’s term as Chair shall soon end, with her replacement Parnell Bartlett of Elizabeth City State University soon to take office. He noted that UNC-Chapel Hill is in the running to host the Chancellors’ Cup golf tournament to benefit the Susan B. Royster professional development grant fund. He asked delegates to pitch in if Chapel Hill is indeed selected to host next year.
The Chair has asked Forum committee chairs to establish budgets for the coming year for discussion at the July 21st meeting.
Ben Triplett requested that the Forum send out the number and distribution of delegate vacancies by e-mail. Ronald Campbell noted that Public Safety will conduct a siren test August 19th. The Chair asked Forum committee chairs to send their meeting dates to Matt Banks in order to comply with open meetings laws.
Ronda Manuel noted that she had sent all applications for the Carolina Family Scholarship to the appropriate committee for review. She had discussed the availability of funds for the Scholarship with the Chair. She thanked delegates Shamecia Powers and Clare Counihan for agreeing to serve on the selection committee.
The Chair noted that he will attend the July 22nd meeting of the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees, of which he is the executive liaison to the University Affairs committee. He hoped to highlight the Forum’s accomplishments and the Carolina Family Scholarship in his presentation to the committee.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned by acclamation at 10:54 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary