Employee Forum Agenda
NOTICE: The Forum’s annual portrait will take place on the steps of Wilson Library at 9:00 a.m. before the meeting. Please don’t be late for the photograph!
9:15 a.m. —-Meeting: Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library
I. Call to Order—Chair Jackie Overton
II. Welcome Guests & Members of the Press
- Swearing in of New Delegates & Introductions
III. Special Presentations
- Vice Provost Taffye Clayton
- Public Safety Director and Chief of Police Jeff McCracken and Assistant Director for Parking Services Cheryl Stout
IV. Human Resources Update—Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone
V. Approval of April minutes
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
- Resolution 13-02, Honoring Chancellor Holden Thorp (First Reading)
IX. Forum Committee Reports
- Carolina Community Garden Advisory: Arlene Medder
- Communications and Public Relations: Katie Turner
- Education and Career Development: Charles Streeter
- Membership & Assignments: Myra Quick
- Personnel Issues: Christina Lebonville
- NC Vision Coalition: Ellen Donna Brooks
- Recognition & Awards: Chris Meinecke
- UNC System Staff Assembly: Danny Nguyen/John Gullo
- Executive Committee: Jackie Overton
X. Announcements/Questions
XI. Adjournment
May 1, 2013 Employee Forum minutes
Attending (those who signed in): Dan Barmmer, Nancy Beach, Ellen Donna Brooks, Deborah Bush, Tiffany Carver, Karen Cheek, Jacquelyn Copeland, Kenneth Davis, Cindi Emerson, Jim Fuller, Sharon Glover, Paula Goodman, Maggie Grant, Christine Greenberg, Melissa Haugh, Michael Highland, James Holman, Christina Lebonville, Shelby Long, Matthew McKirahan, Arlene Medder, Chris Meinecke, Danny Nguyen, Aluoch Ooro, Jackie Overton, Myra Quick, Kathy Ramsey, Christina Rodriguez, Anna Schwab, David Schwartz, Charles Streeter, Katie Turner, Matthew Turner, Clifton Webb
Chair Jackie Overton called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. She thanked the Forum’s partners in Human Resources and the Ombuds Office for their work with the Forum. Vice Chair Dan Barmmer led the Forum’s incoming delegates in a recitation of the Forum charge. The Chair then led the room in a round of introductions.
The Chair introduced Vice Provost Taffye Clayton to speak about the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. Clayton noted the level of commitment among Forum delegates. She said that Diversity and Multicultural Affairs seeks to achieve goals of increased diversity and an inclusive campus environment that values and respects the contributions of all members of the University community. Diversity and Multicultural Affairs (DMA) is an administrative unit of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. Clayton serves on the Chancellor’s and Provost’s cabinet. Traditionally, the focus of the unit has been on student outreach. DMA found recently that attendance at Project Uplift had increased the acceptance rate of those who applied to Carolina 61%. Clayton gave an overview of DMA’s organizational chart. She noted that the Office serves a multitude of constituencies. Diversity work itself breaks into global and local context. Global context deals with climate and intergroup relations and access and success, while local context breaks into education and scholarship and institutional viability and vitality. Clayton noted the University’s institutional commitment to diversity as exemplified by the Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Collaborative (IDIC) and the Provost’s Committee. These follow the current conversations of making diversity an institutional brand and a mission-driven imperative of the University. Clayton underscored the importance of inclusive excellence as demonstrating an institutional commitment to an opportunity for success for all students and providing a shared institutional language, philosophy, and focus for diversity and excellence work.
Clayton emphasized the importance of data driven work and an iterative planning process. She noted that DMA employs a comprehensive and coordinated approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion. She said that equity and inclusion considers the influence and impact of diversity in all forms on learning experience, allowing the University to use disaggregated data to establish priorities. Clayton noted the vast evidence of inclusive excellence at Carolina. She noted the goal to increase diversity infrastructure and connectiveness. She shared information about the IDIC and the Provost’s Committee on Inclusive Excellence and Diversity, the latter of which will begin work in the fall of 2013. Clayton said that areas of emphasis for DMA include underrepresented student success, faculty diversity recruitment/retention/success, diversity climate strategy assessment and metrics, Latina/o focus, women and minorities in STEM disciplines and intergroup dialogue. Clayton outlined the areas of DMA and staff engagement opportunities, including IDIC and PCIED participation, education and training courses offered by DMA, exploring collaborations with HR, and staff leadership exchanges and collaborations with corporate advisory partner organizations and corporations. To end, Clayton sang a few bars for the Forum.
Chair Jackie Overton presented the Forum with a short video, “It’s My Parking Spot.” She welcomed Chief Jeff McCracken to redo his presentation on the University parking and transit plan from 2011. McCracken recalled that he started in Chapel Hill in 1991 and had been married 18 years, with two boys. He said that this is the third year of the five year parking and transit plan. McCracken noted that the planning process had gathered stakeholders from all over campus, including the Employee Forum, to open discussions. After these discussions, the plan was amended to incorporate this feedback. Later on, the plan was presented to student and open forums and finally to the Board of Trustees. Public Safety has experienced additional cost obligations in inflation, Chapel Hill Transit increases, and capital construction debt expense, in total adding up to around $6.5 million to cover. Public Safety identified efficiencies such as remote cashiering, LED lighting, meter pay stations, and license plate recognition that would save the department $600,000.
The Advisory Committee on Transportation (ACT) was very concerned about how parking permits have subsidized transportation spending over the years. The previous five year plan hit daytime parking permits very hard, with permit increases up to 20%. ACT decided not to rely on these permits again, meaning that permits will increase only around 2% annually, around $5-16 per year. McCracken noted that the University relies on park and ride to operate, citing his need to consult with Chapel Hill Transit in inclement weather decisions. However, the frequency of bus service necessary to run park and ride efficiently is very expensive. The University is not recouped at all for the salaries, gas, maintenance of buses and parking spots, and other expenses associated with each park and ride lot. Thus, ACT decided to implement a sliding scale permit implementation for park and ride users totaling around $250/year. Permit sales will total around $7 million/year, $4 million/year from University exclusive routes.
Regarding night parking permits, McCracken recalled that the University has never pursued this option previously. There was discussion of a flat permit fee, but after student meetings ACT decided to implement a student fee of $10.40/student. There will still be a permit cost for employees. These permits are designed to cover the cost of utilities, security, and other expenses that the University had not recouped previously. McCracken noted that the South Campus daily maximum will increase in 2015-16. Night parking permits will be implemented in 2014-15. The 2% parking permit increase will begin along with park and ride permitting in 2013-14. He said that there will be no increase of service, as these changes have been made to maintain what the system has now. McCracken noted federal developments might affect the flow of grant monies to the system.
Deborah Bush asked if there would be changes to weekend parking arrangements. She also asked about service permit parking spaces. McCracken recommended that Bush park in service permit spaces. Bush commented that there are not enough spaces on campus. McCracken said that there are 50,000 people on campus and only 22,000 parking spaces, leading to the need to promote public transit. He said that in his job as head of Public Safety, he spends 75-80% of his time on parking and transit issues. Tiffany Carver asked If a service permit holder can park in an unmarked space. Karen Cheek said that this is allowed, but the Chair said that some service permits are honored in service spaces only, depending on the lot. David Schwartz asked what would decrease the need for parking on campus. McCracken said that light rail is on the horizon, but there are still obstacles to overcome. He noted that the University is pushing regional transit service through Triangle Transit. Matthew McKirahan asked about first-come/first-served park and ride at the Friday Center lot. He asked what would be the reaction for commuters who have paid for a park and ride spot but who do not have a spot due to overcrowding. McCracken said that the potential for overcrowding is also present on campus. He said that Public Safety tries to keep parking increases as low as possible. Enforcing designated permit spaces would cost more than issuing general permits.
Matt Turner asked what percentage of gameday parking is offset by increased transit costs. McCracken said that he did not have these figures but that he would make them available. He said that event parking realizes operational costs and is not a big money maker. Avia Mainor asked if daytime permit holders parking after 5 p.m. will need night issue permits. McCracken said that pay operation lots are still in place. He said that if an employee has a park and ride or daytime permit they will not need a nighttime permit. Cindi Emerson pointed out the possibility that long-time employees who have not paid into the parking permit system might leapfrog employees who have paid into the system but have less seniority. McCracken said that departments determine how parking permits are allocated. Michael Highland asked if walk and ride users of park and ride services will be charged. McCracken said that there is no way to capture this revenue stream, as there is no way to restrict who will ride the bus. He recalled the case of the Bible Church lot that never had more than 40 cars but that seemed to transport half the neighborhood into town. Christine Greenberg said that some employees will move away from park and ride services to on-campus lots given the unprecedented increase in the former. Aluoch Ooro asked about Triangle Transit bus stops. McCracken said that route changes take place annually.
Clifton Webb asked about students and housekeepers parking at night that might need to move from building to building. McCracken said that the P2P and P2P Express service operates from 7:30 p.m.-3 a.m. This system serves as disability transit and also moves students to and from Franklin Street. It is available as a for-call service during service hours. James Holman asked if an employee needing to park in different lots during the evening must purchase multiple permits. McCracken did not think so. Danny Nguyen asked if there were plans to communicate these changes on campus. McCracken said that Public Safety would hold open forums, use the internet, and try other social media. The Chair pointed out that the General Alumni Association maintains contacts with 200,000 Carolina alumni. Jim Fuller asked about moving permits from cars to motorcycles and vice versa. He noted that car to car movements are allowed. McCracken said that Public Safety would look at this question. He wondered how many motorcycles there are on campus. The Chair said that delegates could send comments on parking and transit issues to her, McCracken, or Assistant Director Parking Services Cheryl Stout.
The Chair introduced Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone to present the Forum’s customary Human Resources update. Malone noted that the previous evening had seen Carolina’s 20 year service banquet. There were 186 inductees and 180 employees who attended. Daniel Wallace of “Big Fish” fame was the speaker. Malone said that the organizational efficiency study commissioned by Bain in 2010 will be replicated in 2013 by Carolina Counts. She encouraged employees to participate. Malone also reminded employees to use their FY13 service leave. Human Resources sent out notices to remind employees to use their five days of FY13 leave by June 30. Finally, this is performance appraisal and competency assessment time. These documents must be finished by May 31.
The Chair called for a motion to approve the minutes of the April meeting. She had some amendments to the minutes. Chris Meinecke moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by James Holman. There was no discussion, and the minutes were approved as amended.
Yvonne Dunlap read resolution 13-02 honoring Chancellor Holden Thorp. The Chair noted that there had been a farewell celebration last Monday for Chancellor Thorp. She had asked permission to read this resolution and received positive responses from 30 of 32 delegates. She said that Thorp was very touched by this resolution. Avia Mainor moved that the Forum adopt the resolution since it had been accepted via electronic media without second reading. Upon reflection, she amended her motion to suspend the rules to accept the resolution on second reading. Myra Quick seconded this latter motion. The Forum agreed via voice vote to suspend the rules and consider the resolution on second reading. Cindi Emerson inquired about the use of the word ‘myriad’ in the resolution. The Chair said that this question could be resolved following passage. She called for a motion to approve the resolution. Dan Barmmer made this motion seconded by Christina Lebonville. The motion was approved by acclamation with none opposing or abstaining. The Chair noted that housekeepers have sent a letter of appreciation for Thorp’s work to the Daily Tar Heel.
Arlene Medder of the Carolina Campus Community Garden said that the group was discussing the Garden’s footprint and produce lineup. Katie Turner said that the Communications and Public Relations committee had no report, although the group was using Twitter for the first time to document the day’s meeting. Charles Streeter said that the Education and Career Development committee would present its Rosetta Stone proposal to the Executive Committee on May 28. Myra Quick said that the Membership & Assignments committee had worked to elect the new slate of delegates. The committee will be active in planning the Forum retreat June 5. Christina Lebonville of the Personnel Issues committee said that group was working on drafting a resolution in cooperation with the Community Garden. She asked if a letter of welcome to the new Chancellor would be appropriate. In addition, the committee will work with Katie Turner on the draft bylaw revision committee. Chris Meinecke said that the deadline for peer recognition nominations is May 3. The ceremony honoring these winners will take place May 30 from 3-5 p.m. in Hyde Hall. So far there have been around 100 nominations, down from around 300 last year. David Schwartz suggested that the committee read nomination excerpts at the meeting.
Danny Nguyen reported that the UNC System Staff Assembly had held a two-day meeting April 15 and 16. The Assembly heard from President Tom Ross on the subject of a possible major rewrite to the State Personnel Act. Ross noted that the Governor’s proposed budget was less than what the University System wanted. Ross said that the University System was working to get back the third tuition waived class for employees. Nguyen said that there is talk of carryforward reform, allowing departments to carryforward monies instead of using all departmental funds in one year. The Chair said that the “use it or lose it” practice makes campuses inefficient. Nguyen noted that the Assembly’s Human Resources, Diversity and Benefits (HRDB) committee had worked on a salary increase resolution. The Assembly will hold the Chancellor’s golf tournament June 12 to raise money for the Janet B. Royster Scholarship fund. University Benefits Officer Brian Usischon reported that changes with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect campuses, particularly in the area of temporary employees. Nguyen noted discussion of the dual employment question for employees working as FLSA-exempt employees on one campus while teaching at another campus. Nguyen noted that a number of bills have been submitted for consideration in the Legislature related to the University. The Chair noted that Representative Deborah Ross had submitted a bill providing for 3% raises this and next year for all State employees. She encouraged employees to thank Ross but not using University time, e-mail, computers, or resources.
The Chair said she had breakfast with Chancellor-Elect Folt that morning, and had discussed support for the Forum and the Community garden. Folt had been reading the Forum’s back issues of InTouch on-line. The Chair noted that the Forum’s spring community meeting will take place Tuesday, May 21 from 9-11 a.m. in the Great Hall of the Student Union. The Chair noted that the Vice Chancellor/Provost meetings will now move to a bimonthly schedule, with meeting times held open every month in case another meeting is needed. The Forum’s Executive Committee meeting is moved to May 28 at 11:30 a.m. in the Forum Office. The Forum’s annual retreat will take place Wednesday, June 5 in a location to be determined.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned by acclamation at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary