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Agenda —November 7, 2001

9:30 a.m.— Assembly Room of Wilson Library

I.          Call to Order

II.              Welcome Guests, Members of the Press

· Swearing in of Newly Elected Forum Delagates

III.        Opening Remarks

· Provost Robert Shelton

IV.       Special Presentations

· Diane Kjervik, UNC Women’s Center

· Debbie Freed, New Transit Demand Coordinator

V.        Human Resources Update

· Laurie Charest, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources

VI.       Capital Improvement Update

· Karen Geer, Facilities Services (tentative)

VII.      Employee Presentations or Questions

VIII.     Approval of Minutes of the October 3 2001 meeting P

IX.        Unfinished Business

· Reintroduction of Terrorism Resolution

X.         New Business

· Forum Officer Candidate Nominations & Speeches

Þ    Chair:  Tommy Griffin

Þ    Vice Chair:  Gary Lloyd

Þ    Secretary:  Kay Teague

XI.        Stretch Time   6

XII.       Forum Committee Reports

· Career Development:  Fred Jordan

· Communications:  Suzan deSerres

Þ    Forum Newsletter

· Employee Presentations:  Sheila Storey

· Nominating: Sylvia White

Þ    Forum Elections

· Orientation:  Suzan deSerres

· Personnel Issues:  Mary Ann Vacheron

· Recognition and Awards:  Karen Jordan

· University Committee Assignments:  Lee Edmark

XIII.      Chair’s Report (Executive Committee):  John Heuer

XIV.     Task Force/University Committee Reports

· Pedestrian Safety Committee— Sheila Storey

· Transportation & Parking Advisory—Jimmy Workman

· Administrative Flexibility Study Committee—John Heuer

XV.      Announcements/Questions

XV.      Adjournment

P = Included in Agenda Packet



November 7, 2001

(Wilson Library Assembly Room)


Delagates Present

Tom Arnel

Jim Bennett

Anita Booth

Keita Cannon

Roy Caudle

Andy Chrismon

Meredith Clason

Keith Cochran

Gary Cocker

David Collins

Linda Collins

Karen Copeland

Suzan deSerres

Sue Dodson

Ray Doyle

Lee Edmark

Edward Eldred

Joan Ferguson

Keith Fogleman

Jeffery Fuchs

Shirley Hart

Glenn Haugh

John Heuer

Tom Jenswold

Fred Jordan

Karen Jordan

Chris Koltz

Elaine Lambert

Gary Lloyd

Barbara Logue

Andrew Maglione

Lauren Mangili

Connie McPherson

Lynn McPherson

Debra Neiditz

Diane O’Connor

Carol Payne

Clarence Peoples

Gail Plaisance

Tom Rhyne

Wendy Riley

Norma Roberts

Rob Sadler

Pamela Siler

Sheila Storey

Diane Strong

Kay Teague

Joanne Terry

Robert Thoma

Mary Ann Vacheron

Betty Waynick

Sylvia White

Ruth Williams

Laurie Charest

Joanne Kucharski

= Ex-Officio

Delagates Absent

Chris Barfield Anderson

GeorgeAnn Bissett

Terry Bowers

Tommy Griffin

Ramona Kellam

John Meeker

Jo Parker

Teresa Smith

Bonita Summers

Elaine Tola

Patricia Vaught

Anita Wright

Excused Absences

Pam Alston

Pam Griffin

Alternates Present

Ahmed Aziz

Shanna Fleenor

Wanda Gunter

Mary Johnson

Jackie Nicholson

Valerie Price

Jay Shively

Matt Todd

Tom Wellman

Brian White

Dana Xiao


Debbie Freed

Diane Kjervik

Scott Ragland

Robert Shelton


            Chair John Heuer called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.  He welcomed Delegates, guests, and members of the press.  He also welcomed the new delegate and alternate class of 2003.  He led the new Delegates in a recitation of the Forum oath.  Then, the Chair and Provost Robert Shelton distributed the customary Forum pins to the new Delegates.

Shelton remarked that he was impressed by the oath’s emphasis on the worth of the individual.  He felt honored to be part of the Forum’s swearing-in ceremony.

Shelton thanked all who participated in University Day October 12.  He thought it was very important that the Employee Forum was represented in the annual event.  Shelton noted that William Hubbard, an Employee with 48 years of State service, carried the Forum banner during the processional.

Moving on to the State budget, Shelton noted that the University had received a 3.1% reduction in its permanent budget, around $11 million.  He recalled that the University had received about this amount from the State in enrollment increase monies.  However, the enrollment increase monies are dedicated for specific purposes, and the University cannot use them to offset the reduction in its permanent budget.

Shelton noted that the University System also faced the prospect of a 4% nonrecurring cut, but UNC System President Molly Broad worked with the Governor to reduce the cut from 4% to 2.7%.  This additional cut represents an additional $10 million on top of the 3.1% permanent cut.  The University decided to implement the temporary 2.7% cut across the board to all departments, but elected to target the permanent cut to specific areas.  Broad emphasized the importance of student instruction in convincing the Governor to reduce the University’s temporary budget reduction.

However, the University still faces an certain future.  To prepare for the eventuality that the State budget might continue to behave poorly, the administration has asked units to prepare contingency plans to absorb cuts to the 4% level.  Shelton noted the cumulative effect of these budget reductions has led to Employees being laid off.  In areas that report to the Office of the Provost, the University has absorbed seven layoffs.  Other vice chancellors have probably absorbed similar layoffs.

Rob Sadler asked if Shelton expected the Legislature to reassemble to address a shortfall in tax revenue this next year.  Shelton said that possibility would depend on the severity of the budget situation.  He anticipated that the Governor’s Office would handle non-recurring budget decisions.  However, he granted that those with more familiarity with North Carolina politics might have a different insight.  Shelton urged Employees to stay in contact with their unit directors and colleagues to stay informed about budget developments.

On another subject, Shelton noted that Chancellor Moeser had led a delegation of 50 faculty and administrators to Qatar to study the possibility of opening a campus in that middle eastern country.  Moeser has said that if the University pursues this proposal, the University would absolutely not absorb any of the costs.

Shelton noted that former national security advisor Sandy Berger would give a talk at Carroll Hall on the subject, “The Fight Against Terrorism: Challenge and Change.”  On Friday, Chilean President Ricardo Lagos would come to Chapel Hill to receive honorary degrees from the School of Law at 4 p.m. at the Morehead building.  The University had hoped to honor President Lagos  last May, but Lagos’ responsibilities kept him away.

Shelton praised Benita Burton, a student services manager in the department of Speech and Hearing, for receiving the Governor’s Award for Excellence.  This award is the highest that a State Employee can receive in the course of their work.  Burton received her nomination for the award as a result of her standing as a Chancellor’s Award winner.

TIAA-Cref has agreed to sponsor the Starheels award program for the second straight year.  Employees can nominate co-workers for gift certificates through the program.

Concerning campus security, Shelton reported that the campus had taken specific precautions to protect mail service personnel from the hazards of anthrax.  Employees who open large volumes of mail can take training programs and receive protective gear from Public Safety.  Shelton noted that the University had handled a couple of mailed items which were suspect but found no evidence of contamination.  Shelton appreciated the calm and professional way that staff had handled these suspect envelopes, and expressed his confidence in the work of Public Safety, Environment and Health Services, and Mail Services.

Shelton also noted that the University does not do research on anthrax or have anthrax in its confinement areas.

The Chair asked if the Governor’s lottery initiative had made any headway in the State Legislature.  He noted speculation that the Governor had tried to move his lottery proposal through by threatening budget cuts.  He asked what it would mean to the University if the Legislature approved a State lottery.  Shelton said that the lottery remains a topic of interest but added that the level of rhetoric had dampened considerably as the Legislature’s focus has moved to redistricting.  He had heard no information confirming any rumor about the Governor using the budget shortfall to press the lottery issue.  Shelton said that the record of impact of State lotteries on higher education was mixed.

Linda Collins noted the 2.7% nonrecurring cut and asked how the University would apply the cut across campus.  Shelton said that rather than giving guidance to departments, the administration has chosen to give department the maximum flexibility to determine the course best for them.  For example, departments can use open faculty position dollars for non-recurring cuts but not for recurring cuts.  Vice chancellors without faculty salary lines face a different challenge in meeting their budgets.

The Chair noted that the Forum had received very good news in that it would soon move to its new offices at 134 East Franklin Street, Rooms 207, 208 and 209.  He noted that the previous office space at 200A Carr building was too small to accommodate the chair and the Forum assistant.

The Chair thanked Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Nancy Suttenfield and Associate Vice Chancellor Bruce Runberg for their help in finding the Forum an office.  He also thanked the Employees of Facilities Services for their work in painting the offices and cleaning the carpet.  Finally, he thanked the Carolina Women’s Center for agreeing to share space on the second floor of the building.  He looked forward to the two groups being neighbors, and was proud to introduce the director of the Women’s Center, Diane Kjervik.

Kjervik thanked Provost Shelton, Assistant to the Provost Linda Carl and Runberg for their assistance in finding the new location for the Women’s Center.  She noted that in the Center’s old offices on Airport Road there had been very little traffic.

Kjervik expressed her affection and caring for the Forum and for staff Employees, knowing that many who do the same often disappear when it comes time to work on areas such as salaries and working conditions.  She noted the role that past Forum Delegates had played in the formation of the Center, such as Joanne Kucharski and Kathy Dutton.   Dutton still works with the Center’s advisory council.  Kjervik also thanked Richard Hall for his work in hooking up phone and internet connections, Jerry Howerton with positions management, and Lisa Gardner, the Center assistant.  She looked forward to working with the Forum to make the University a better, more comfortable place.  The Chair thanked Kjervik for her remarks and agreed that she looked forward to the many opportunities to work together.

The Chair welcomed Debbie Freed, the University’s new campus transit demand coordinator.  He noted that Carl and Associate Vice Chancellor for Auxiliary Services had decided to bring a transit demand coordinator to campus given last year’s discussions of mass transit plans.

Freed noted that she had grown up in Chapel Hill but had worked with Virginia Technical Institute in the past years.  She noted the reluctance that people feel in using mass transit, even when it is convenient and cheap.  She was amazed by how much the University had grown since her childhood, and noted that parking had always been a campus issue.

Freed said that the campus was now in a position where it must meet the increasing demand for campus parking without increasing the supply of spaces.  The University, with its new master plan and pressures to accommodate more students, faculty and staff, cannot devote the ground space necessary to build parking spaces for all who would like them.  So, the University will now try to find ways to reduce the demand for on-campus parking, particularly by finding alternatives to the one-car per person norm on campus.

Employees can use different alternatives to driving to campus depending on their lifestyles.  Employees can bike, walk, or use Chapel Hill Transit or the Triangle Transit Authority (TTA).  Employees can use the park and ride lots sprinkled around the city center.  The University has increased the size of its Highway 54 park and ride lot and has plans to develop other lots throughout the area.

Freed said that Employees can find other options to reduce their dependence on on-campus parking.  Employees can try to telework one or two days a week, reducing their need to commute into their physical office.  While not every department can allow their Employees to telework, every department can investigate the possibility.  Departments can also investigate structuring their Employees’ work weeks differently, allowing flex time or spacing working hours to avoid peak transit times.

The University will measure success in this area by noting a decrease in traffic congestion and improved environmental benefits, and a reduction in the number of vehicle miles traveled.  Currently, Chapel Hill will be included in the nonattainment area which must decrease emissions and particulate matter or face limitations on highway funds.

Freed emphasized that not one option of walking, carpooling, vanpooling, flextime, park and ride, or bus service will fit every Employee.  However, she encouraged everyone listening to investigate options that might fit for them.

Concerning Chapel Hill Transit, Freed noted a general unhappiness with current service levels.  However, the Town is working to employ more drivers, buses, and increased headways (frequency of service) on Town bus routes.  She noted frustration among commuters using the Highway 54 lot that found their connecting buses full.  She said that Employees willing to use park and ride must have a reliable bus ride into campus.  She has communicated this imperative to Chapel Hill Transit, and noted that new director Mary Luban has stated her interest in providing quality service.  She noted that the University has looked to commission different routes to serve the law school better.  Chapel Hill Transit will also see improvements in headway (frequency of service) in several routes.  In addition, Chapel Hill Transit bus service will become free to all riders starting January 2.

With regard to the Triangle Transit Authority (TTA) buses, Freed noted that these buses will soon switch from a 30 minute to a 15 minute headway.  She has encouraged both bus services to work on adding bus maps to all highly used bus stops, so that commuters can instantly know when the next bus is due to arrive.  She said that bus maps would reduce overcrowding and uncertainty among users.

Freed noted that Chapel Hill Transit, TTA and the DATA Durham bus service were all working to obtain the Blue Cross/Blue Shield parking lot for park and ride on Highway 15-501.  She noted that TTA is also examining park and ride services at South Square Mall and Hillsborough Road in Durham.  She hoped to see city walkways and crosswalks improve to supplement these new services.

In the future, Freed hoped to see a transit transfer center at which city buses would drop off commuters a central location.  At this location, smaller vehicles would carry commuters closer to their building via direct route or campus shuttle bus.  She envisioned this transfer center as a meeting place with a grocery, café, bike racks, lockers, showers and more.  Possibly, the transfer center might contain a day care center for parents who might be reluctant to use transit options for need to stay in contact  with their children.  Overall, she hoped to make the transit experience enjoyable, rather than something to dread.

Freed said that the University would provide park and ride users occasional parking permits for when alternative transit will not work for them.  Also, the University would ideally provide park and ride users an emergency ride back to their cars.  She hoped that the University could develop a transit alternatives incentive program, through campus giveaways or drawings for store discounts.

In sum, the University must not only make it easier for Employees to commute but must also give them some incentive to use this service.  Campus parking will not increase, and the University must make the alternatives attractive to prospective users.

Freed thanked the Forum for the chance to speak.  David Collins jokingly asked if the University would allow sale of alcohol at the transit center convenience stores.  He then asked if the University planned to use its power of eminent domain to open up space for park and ride lots.  He said that Employees have already been forced to move far away from campus due to the lack of local affordable housing.  He said that the University must find a way to make park and ride usable to all who desire it.  Freed said that her study of existing facilities found most park and ride lots a bit underutilized.  She said that there is so much interest among the TTA, the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, Chapel Hill Transit, and the University that there should not be a need to use the aggressive tool of eminent domain to find park and ride locations.

An Employee noted that buses to the Eubanks Road park and ride lot tend to arrive every 20-30 minutes, and are typically full before they reach the lot.  She said that the Eubanks Road lot needs two express buses strictly devoted to that lot.

This Employee also complained that students often leave their cars in the front of the lot during the week, relegating Employee commuters to the back spaces.  The student cars seem to rarely move during the week from their advantageous parking spaces.

Freed said that the University requires stickers for all students using its park and ride lots.  She said that drivers should radio back an order for additional buses (“trippers”) when their loads are full.

An Employee asked how many spaces the University planned to add to the Highway 54 park and ride lot near the Friday Center.  Freed said that the University planned to add additional spaces in a phased project.  The lot could not handle an extra 800 spaces because the added traffic would be disastrous.  She said that the University had no plans to deck this lot.

An Employee asked about the ongoing regional rail discussions.  This Employee thought that the community had been left out of these discussions.  In addition, this Employee urged Chapel Hill Transit to convert its buses to natural gas.  Freed said that phase one of the regional rail project would run from Durham to Raleigh.  She said she had yet to get up to speed on the local rail situation.

Tom Jenswold noted that the Point2Point buses near Public Safety seemed to have not moved in months.  Freed said that these buses were used for nighttime student service.  Student fees pay for these buses, which are used to prevent students driving home from Franklin Street drunk and to protect students from walking home alone at night.

An Employee asked the percentage of students who have parking on campus.  Freed said that for 17,000 commuting students there are 1,100 spaces on campus.  For the 7,000 resident students there are 480 spaces.  She noted that parking spaces will dwindle.

Keith Fogleman noted that people on campus do not have a lot of options to travel to work.  Freed said that fact drove her hiring, because transit demand management is a necessity.  Fogleman noted that a number of parking spaces devoted to construction have been vacated for months, but Employees are still not permitted to park in these spaces.  Shelton said that he and Freed would look at how walled off areas are available for student users.  Fogleman said that the spaces he had in mind were near Peabody and Phillips Halls.  He also noted a misuse of service and handicapped spaces.  He had phoned in complaints to Public Safety but had not seen a correction of the abuse.

In the interests of time, the Chair invited Freed to return to the Forum to discuss transit issues in more detail another time.  He praised her work and efforts on behalf of the University.

Human Resources Update

The Chair introduced Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Laurie Charest to make the Forum’s customary Human Resources update.  Charest wished her congratulations to the Forum’s newly elected Delegates.

Charest noted that the request for proposals (RFP) associated with a possible Employee-paid alternative health insurance plan for dependents and spouses was proceeding.  The University Insurance committee has received a request from the UNC Health Care System, North Carolina State University and North Carolina Central University to issue a joint RFP.   She said that UNC-Chapel Hill would be likely to receive a better bid by including these other institutions in its RFP, and had decided to accept their offer.

Organization  of the consortium will help the bid process but will slow it down somewhat, as each institution’s insurance committees must agree on the RFP content.  The earliest possible date for a bid, January 2002,  might be pushed back a bit.  She hoped that the RFP would go out very shortly, and she did not know what to expect in response.  She hoped that the market could generate some innovative ideas to insure Employee spouses and dependents at a rate lower than the State health plan.

The University’s administrative flexibility study committee has sponsored three community meetings and would host two more for second- and third- shift Employees this month.  Employees would receive more information soon and all are invited to attend.

The input subcommittee would meet that next week to find a community meeting date attractive to faculty who could not attend the first meetings which were held over fall break.  The committee will work on an individual survey of feelings about administrative flexibility which it hopes to complete by January.

Keita Cannon asked what priority assistance laid off Employees would receive.  Charest said that her office has contacted laid off Employees to talk about their reemployment rights and their benefits situation.  She noted that the Legislature had changed laid off Employees’ priority status for new positions some years ago.  Laid off Employees now have application status the same as other State Employees desiring transfer or promotion.  She noted that the University has an extensive network of contacts with other State agencies and the UNC System.

Laid off Employees will continue to receive health insurance benefits for one year.  These Employees can choose to convert supplemental policies to individual policies at their discretion.

Cannon noted that at one time the University had twenty vacancies for Office Assistant IV positions.  Would not a laid off Employee have a chance to obtain one of these positions relatively easily, in the absence of conduct and performance issues?  Charest said that at one time laid off Employees had a much stronger priority in the State system.  However, State Employees complained that they were losing promotional opportunities to laid off Employees after having waited months for these jobs to come open.  The State strongly encouraged its agencies to hire laid off candidates.  Regarding Office Assistant IV positions, Charest said that laid off Employees in that position hold highly transferable skills which would likely find another home on campus.

Cannon asked about the issue of lump sum payoff for sick leave.  He noted that Employees retain their sick leave for five years after separation but he worried that Employees would lose this leave upon obtaining another job.  Charest said that laid off Employees would not lose their sick leave accumulated unless they did not work for the State within five years after separation.  Taking another job would not disqualify one from returning to the State and reclaiming this accumulated sick leave.

Concerning lump sum payment for accumulated sick leave, Charest said this proposal would require legislative approval.  She did not foresee the Legislature approving this proposal in the near future.  Tom Arnel asked if the University were to be able to use its potential administrative flexibility to approve lump sum payments for sick leave.  Charest said that consideration of the proposal was highly likely given that the administrative flexibility committee had identified leave issues as an area for study.

The Chair asked if Charest could identify the scope and range of layoffs the University had experienced to this point.  Charest said that to her knowledge the University had experienced eleven reduced in force (RIF) Employees, some under the Provost’s Office and some within Finance and Administration and information technology areas.  She did not know how many the University would face by the end of this process.

The Chair invited questions from Employees.  Loretta Bohn said that Employees might have been inadvertently shorted around $24 as part of their $350 salary increase.  She noted that the recent payment of the increase, cumulative since July 1, seemed to include the increase only for pay periods 2 through 5.  She thought that the University might have missed making the payment for pay period 1.  Bohn had raised the question with Payroll Services but she thought that there might be some misunderstanding.  Charest said that she would be happy to take the question back to Payroll.

At this point, the Forum took a five minute stretch break.

The Chair called for nominations for the office of Forum Chair.  Sylvia White said that she had been ready to make a nomination, but said that the prospective candidate had gone home sick that day.  She planned to make this nomination at the Forum’s December meeting.

The Chair called for nominations for the position of Forum Vice Chair.  He invited nominators to speak either at their place or to use the Forum podium.  Debra Neiditz rose to nominate Gary Lloyd for the position of Forum Vice Chair.  She noted that Lloyd had worked on campus for fifteen years, twelve years with the Registrar’s Office.  Lloyd had worked to convert the Student Information System and had put together a student records component which allowed access to grades via telephone and the internet.  Lloyd had designed the Registrar’s offices’ private work space and had written programs to address registrar issues.  Lloyd won the office’s award for staff excellence for 2000.

Neiditz said that Lloyd had worked with her on a number of projects and had been a tremendous help.  She was proud to nominate him for Forum Vice Chair.

Lloyd noted that he had grown up ten minutes from campus.  He is an active member of the Orange County United Methodist Church and serves as vice president of the memorial associate.  He graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1978 with a degree in business administration.  He began working on campus with the office of Undergraduate Admissions as a clerk/typist III.  After four years of work in that position he moved on to Contracts and Grants doing accounting work and after that to the School of Public Health, then finally, to the Registrar’s Office..

Lloyd saw the Employee Forum as a the cornerstone for establishing a staff voice with campus administration.  He praised the work of the Employee Presentations committee and Recognition & Awards committee for their role in granting a voice and recognition to campus Employees.  He thanked the Forum for considering him for the position of Forum Vice Chair.

There were no further nominations for the position of Forum Vice Chair.  The Chair then called for nominations for the position of Forum Secretary.  Suzan de Serres nominated Kay Teague for this position.  De Serres had known Teague for fifteen years and had found her flexible and dedicated to her work with the University Burn Center and the Department of Surgery.  Teague is an independent thinker who relies on her own judgment.  She had also won the staff excellence award for her department.

Teague noted that she had worked at the University  seventeen years.  She had enjoyed her job and had taken seriously her responsibilities.  She had developed a loyalty to her department and to the University.  She had learned a great deal on the Employee Forum and found it a wonderful instrument for campus staff.

There were no further nominations for the position of Forum Secretary.  The Forum would take further nominations and hold elections at its December meeting.

Rob Sadler moved that the Forum take up from the table the resolution on terrorism that it tabled last month.  Suzan de Serres seconded this motion.  Sadler thought that it was important that the Forum go on record as opposing terrorism and supporting the free speech of faculty, staff, and students on campus.  He did not want to encourage discrimination against minorities and thought that the Forum should add its voice to the support of free speech.

The Chair noted that Tom Rhyne had expressed concern that the resolution did not address concerns for campus security.  Rhyne consulted with the Forum Executive Committee and had decided to take his concerns to the University security committee.  The Chair had written University Counsel Susan Ehringhaus who had welcomed Rhyne to bring his concerns to the committee.

It was noted that the Forum must approve Sadler’s motion to bring the resolution off the table before voting to approve the resolution on first reading.  The Chair read the resolution in its entirety.

Edward Eldred thought that the Forum should eliminate the last paragraph of the resolution.  Keith Fogleman said he did not think that the right to free speech was really in danger, given the statements that people have made on campus recently.  He was personally sickened by some of the statements people had made about the American flag, but he did not think that freedom of speech would leave the country.  He certainly supported the right of free speech, in spite of what people might say.

Mary Ann Vacheron thought that the reference to free speech in the resolution was particularly apt given the recent laws passed in Washington.  She thought that the country was on a slippery slope to eliminate its own civil rights, and she thought the problem needed a direct address.

The Chair called a vote on the motion to delete the final paragraph of the resolution.  Two voted in favor of the motion, with forty voting against.  The motion failed.

The Chair then asked for a motion to consider the resolution on first reading.  The motion was approved with one dissenting vote.  The resolution will be introduced on second reading in December.

Andrew Maglione noted publication of a statement that 10% of the UNC-Chapel Hill campus opposes the president.  He thought that it would be nice if the Forum were to publish its resolution somewhere.  The Chair said that the Forum would forward the resolution to the Chancellor, and would speak to the University Gazette and the Daily Tar Heel about further publication.

Committee Reports

Fred Jordan, chair of the Career Development committee, reported the group had not met in October but would meet again November 15 at 1 p.m. in 042 Sitterson Hall.

Suzan de Serres, chair of the Communications committee, said the group would meet November 8 at 9 a.m. in Ye Olde Waffle Shop.  She noted that InTouch had been published on the web in October but the notification to Employees about the publication had not been adequately dispersed.  She noted that AIS had sent out paper copies of the document to everyone.  She hoped that in November the process would work correctly.

De Serres noted that Linda Collins had agreed to chair the Communications committee next year.  Eldred thought that the move to an electronic distribution was a good idea and he hoped that the committee would remain persistent.

Sheila Storey, chair of the Employee Presentations committee, thanked Martha Fowler for her work with the administrative flexibility community meetings.

Sylvia White, chair of the Nominating committee, encouraged members to sign the sign-in sheet for that month.  She thanked Delegates who had agreed to stand for election as Forum officers.  She said the committee would next meet November 29 at 11 a.m. in 205 South Building.

De Serres, chair of the Orientation committee, said group would meet Wednesday, November 14 from 11:30-1 p.m. in Jade Palace Restaurant in Carrboro.  She noted that the new delegate orientation had around 40 people in attendance, including featured presenter and women’s basketball coach Sylvia Hatchell.  She thanked all who helped plan and set up for the orientation.  She also noted that the Forum would hold a reception from 9-9:30 a.m. December 5 in the foyer of Wilson Library.  Delegates and alternates should also plan to attend the all-day retreat January 18, 2002.

Tom Rhyne of the Personnel Issues committee noted the group had met with Associate Vice Chancellor for Auxiliary Services Carolyn Elfland to follow up on a previous meeting with Suttenfield and Charest.  Rhyne thought that the meeting had gone well.

Karen Jordan, chair of the Recognition & Awards committee, had come out of retirement to give her report.  She noted that the staff processional at University Day had gone very well, with the Forum banner flying for the very first time.  She noted that the nominations for the Forum’s Community Award (3-Legged Stool) were due November 5 and were due to be announced at the December meeting.  The group will hold its final meeting November 19 to discuss goals for next year’s committee.

Linda Collins of the University Committee Assignments committee noted that the group had worked on finding University committee meeting times and chairs.  The committee plans to meet November 13 at a time and place to be determined.

The Chair introduced Jimmy Workman, the Forum representative on the newly reconstituted Transportation and Parking Advisory committee (TPAC).  Workman said that he had been associated with the University for close to thirty years.  He noted that  TPAC had been asked to implement the transit and parking issues as outlined in the campus development plan, notably specific agreements between the University and the Town.  These agreements must be met before the University can receive permits for new buildings.

Over the next eight to ten years, the University will lose up to 2,000 parking spaces while waiting for planned decks to come on line.  The new TPAC will contain representatives from different colleges.  He said it was important for Employees to provide their feedback on campus parking and transit plans.  Workman said that he felt the responsibility to represent staff needs and concerns.  He noted that the committee would also discuss elimination of the parking allocation to resident students, nighttime parking permits, the cost of parking permits, and the funding of fare-free busing.

Workman encouraged those receiving a campus survey about parking concerns to fill it out and provide their feedback.

The Chair announced that the Forum Executive Committee would hold its meeting on November 28, rather than November 21.  The committee planned to meet in Room 207 on 134 East Franklin Street.  The Chair planned to solicit members for possible furnishings for the new office.

The Chair asked for a motion from the floor to approve the minutes of the October meeting.  Robert Thoma made this motion seconded by Rob Sadler.  The motion was approved by acclamation.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:44 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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