Community Service Committee Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
11:30 AM – 12:30PM
Hitchcock Multipurpose Room, Sonja H. Stone Center
Welcome/Introductions [[11:30-11:35]]
- Introduction of Representatives from Organizations (GAA (Casey Privette), CCPS (Kim Allen), Million Meals (Banks Shepherd), Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC(Tessa D’Ippolito), Carolina Cupboard (Tarah Burnette) & Food for All (Amy Cooke))
- Update on Status of Food Drive
- Met with Representatives from the Food Bank, Food for All and the Million Meals Campaign with Harris Teeter
- We will be partnering with Million Meals Campaign for this drive
- Upon permission with Athletics, we will also be having a booth at Late Night With Roy on Oct. 14
- Final list of box locations throughout campus being compiled
- If any of you are connected to areas of campus who have not yet replied, please let me know if you would be willing to coordinate bins for your department
- Permission granted from Facilities for use of truck
- Permission granted from the Union to house donations from the drive
Planning for the UNC “Food for All” Campus-Wide Food Drive [[11:35-12:05]]
- Name of Event/Proposed Goal for donations
- UNC “Food for All” Campus-wide Food Drive (benefiting the Food Bank of Central & Southeastern NC and Carolina Cupboard) (Event Hashtag: #UNCFoodForAll)(Suggested Tags: @EmployeeForum @UNCGAA @UNCFoodForAll @Big4MMC @UNCFoodPantry @FoodBankCENC @UNCServes @UNC )
- Percentage of donation (both monetary and food) to be allocated to Carolina Cupboard 25% (with the other 75% going towards Food Bank)
- Procedure for splitting donation- Will determine percentage by the number of full donation bins
- Goal for donations- 5,000 meals
- UNC “Food for All” Campus-wide Food Drive (benefiting the Food Bank of Central & Southeastern NC and Carolina Cupboard) (Event Hashtag: #UNCFoodForAll)(Suggested Tags: @EmployeeForum @UNCGAA @UNCFoodForAll @Big4MMC @UNCFoodPantry @FoodBankCENC @UNCServes @UNC )
- Currently Drafting/ Designing Pub flier with Banks Shepherd of the Million Meals Campaign for the event (publicizing both the campus-wide food drive as well as the kickoff event at the UNC Employee Appreciation football game, the Late Night with Roy event, as well as the final Employee Appreciation Day event) in order to advertise via listservs, social media, etc., as well as to show on signs at various volunteer booths & to adorn the box/bins throughout campus
- Text to Include on Flier- Dates of Campus-wide drive, Dates of Special Events, Info about Million Meals Challenge, Name of Event, Hashtag, Goal for Donation, Info about Prize at Employee Appreciation Day, Website link for further info
- List of Logos to Include- UNC logo, Employee Forum, Food for All, GAA, CCPS, Food Bank of Central & Southeastern NC, Carolina Cupboard, Harris Teeter/Million Meals Challenge
- List of Organizations to pub with- Any additions/edits, please email them to me by Sept. 23
- Important Volunteer Dates:
- October 5, 2016- Employee Forum Meeting/ Picking up boxes/Putting together donation bins/adhere info fliers/posters to bins/Delivering bins to locations throughout campus: Time: 11:30AM -3:00 PM (estimate)
- October 8, 2016- Employee Appreciation Football Game versus Virginia Tech Kickoff Event, Booth at Tar Heel Town Prior to the Game, Times TBD
- October 14, 2016- Late Night With Roy, Booth at event, Time: 6:30 PM- 10:30 PM (estimate)
- October 20, 2016- Pickup effort throughout campus, Time: 2:00 PM- 6:00 PM (estimate)
- October 21, 2016- Employee Appreciation Day Celebration, Booth in Carolina Union: Time: 8:00 AM- 4:00PM (split into two shifts)(estimate)
- Various duties for planning of event
- Liaison w/ the Organizations/ Making List of Box/Bin locations across campus/Main coordinator during two week drive:
- Katie Musgrove
- Printing of Posters/Fliers via Employee Forum (1 person) (Due by September 25)
- Matt Banks/EF Student Intern
- Publicizing the Event (via the various media organizations already determined): (2 people) (Contact all Organizations by September 25)
- Katie Musgrove
- Ricky Roach
- Various partner organization representatives
- Coordinating Drop-off/Pickup of Boxes across campus (3 people) (Have volunteers secured by October 1)
- Steven Bodeen
- Ricky Roach
- Bonita Brown (Carolina Union involvement?)
- Tent Setup/Volunteer Leaders at Employee Appreciation Football Game/Employee Appreciation Day (3 people) (Have volunteers secured by October 1)
- Football game: Heather Lewis
- Late Night with Roy: Kim Allen
- Employee Appreciation Day: Katie Musgrove
- Coordinate Split Donation with Carolina Cupboard/ Prize Giveaway Logistics at Employee Appreciation Day (2 people):
- Amy Cooke (Split Donation)
- Heather Lewis (Prize Giveaway)
- Photographing/Videoing the Kickoff Event, Late Night w/ Roy, the Food Drive itself & the Employee Appreciation Day booth via InTouch, Employee Forum Listserv/Twitter, etc.
- Volunteer Leaders listed above
- Publicizing various photos/videos from event via Employee Forum Facebook, twitter, website and newsletter/ Creating the initial webpage for the food drive listing all bin locations & general information about the drive (Create website by September 25)
- Kelli Raker
- Liaison w/ the Organizations/ Making List of Box/Bin locations across campus/Main coordinator during two week drive:
Update on other business [[12:05-12:25]]
- Next meeting (October 5, 2016): Prepare boxes/bins, post fliers throughout campus, finalizing preparations
- Steven Bodeen w/ Facilities will drive with Katie Musgrove to pick up donation bins in Durham at 10:30 AM on 10/5
Questions/Final Comments [[12:25 PM-12:30 PM]]